PyCupid - Python wrappers for Starlink's CUPID package
CUPID is part of the Starlink Software Collection, it provides a set of commands that identify and analyse clumps of emission within 1-, 2- and 3-dimensional data arrays.
This module aims to serve as an interface between CUPID implementation (C and Fortran) and Python. As such, users can simply import the module and use CUPID functions as if they were implemented in Python.
The lastest documentation can be found in here.
To install PyCupid just run:
pip install pycupid
Wheels for PyCupid are only available for python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6. Installation on newer version (3.7, 3.8) fails!
Create a virtual environment with an older python version if necessary.
For developers we have a wiki to compile pycupid in Manylinux