CS231n is awesome, the original code of assignments is based on Python 2
, I'm a fan of Python 3
though, for those who prefer 3 to 2, feel free to clone or fork this repo, have fun with it!
All Done 🎉🎉🎉
Assignment 1:
- KNN ✔️
- SVM ✔️
- Softmax ✔️
- Neural network ✔️
Assignment 2:
- Fully connected nets ✔️
- BatchNorm layers ✔️
- Dropout ✔️
- ConvNet on CIFAR-10 ✔️
Assignment 3:
- Image Captioning with Vanilla RNNs ✔️
- Image Captioning with LSTMs ✔️
- Network Visualization: Saliency maps, Class Visualization, and Fooling Images ✔️
- Image Generation ✔️