Hey 👋, this is just a personal project I use myself, go ahead and use it aswell if you want but keep in mind theirs MANY other alternatives. I only made this because alternatives would Rate limit my account, and im not willing to pay for one that doesnt.
Create a bot & find it's token here (Dont name it something stupid like MEE6 or WICK or DYNO, it will be disabled.)
Input your bot's token.
Type in a guild id then your ready to go.
Run install.cmd
OR install the following :
pip install discord.py
pip install discord
pip install asyncio
pip install sys
pip install aioconsole
pip install json
pip install pystyle
pip install os_sys
- Send Messages: Send messages to a specific channel within the server.
- Create Channel(s): Create one or more text channels within the server.
- Kick User by ID: Kick a user from the server by specifying their user ID.
- Ban User by ID: Ban a user from the server by specifying their user ID.
- Unban User by ID: Unban a user from the server by specifying their user ID.
- Send Message to All Channels: Send a message to all text channels within the server.
- Delete All Roles: Delete all roles within the server.
- Delete All Channels: Delete all channels within the server.
- Kick All Users from Logged IDs:Kick all users from the server whose IDs are logged.
- Ban All Users from Logged IDs: Ban all users from the server whose IDs are logged.
- Log All User Information: Log information about all users in a text file.
- Log All User IDs: Log the IDs of all users in a JSON file. DO THIS BEFORE BANNING/KICKING ALL USERS.
- List All Guilds: List all guilds the bot is currently in.
- List All Channels: List all channels within the server.
- Leave Server by ID: Leave a server by specifying its ID.
- Select Guild ID: Select a guild ID for the bot.
Because the bot isnt interacting with discord constantly, and only does so when given user input, after 15 seconds of no user input the bot will send you a bunch of errors, simply type in option 11 (Log all user id's) so it restores its connection with discord, then continue using the bot.