I created this website in roughly about a day back in my senior year of highschool (with a tiny touchups committed later on). This game was to show I had an understanding of how to write javascript, css, and html, all of which I had already taken a clas for at the time. I just wanted to push myself and have a little fun overengineering a simple assignment.
This game features the game of 52 pickup... some of you may know what im talking about if you have had pranksters in your life. The premise of the game is that a full deck of cards minus the joker and other miscellaneous cards are thrown down and you have to collect them as fast as you can.
This website integrates a hiding sidebar, knowledge of caching assets so it doesnt lag the user when loading the website, CSS animations mixed with javascript calls to make clickable, randomly rotated pictures of cards, and a timer that uses cookies to save your last 10 tries. This project was used to demonstrate I had a strong knowledge of plain javascript, css, and html and to showcase what you can do if you integrate them properly into eachother.