- ✔️ Kotlin
- ✔️ Architecture: MVVM
- ✔️ DI: Hilt
- ✔️ Handling process death: SaveStateHandle
- ✔️ Crash Report: Bugsnag
- ✔️ Mock: MockK
- ✔️ Android Studio Version:[ 4.2]
- ✔️ View binding
- ✔️ Coroutines
- ✔️ AndroidX
- ✔️ Bitrise
- ✔️ Leakcanary
- ✔️ KtLint
- ✔️ Pagination
- ✔️ RemoteMediator
- ✔️ Flow
- ✔️ Shimmer
- ✔️ Glide
- ✔️ Firebase
- ✔️ Room
- ✔️ FancyShowCaseView
1-Git clone
2-Use Android Studio(4.2 or up, Arctic Fox|2020.3.1 Beta 3 in my case) /File/Open
3-Sync Project with Gradle
- -You can find the apk file here
- -You can find useful unit test in this directory
- -You can find useful screenshots test in this directory
- Create screenshots test for all the views
- Integrate Snapshot test with Firebase Test Lab
- Create unit test for different pagination scenarios.
- Check and test leakcanary memory leaks reports.
- Check bitrise builds.
Enjoy it ;)