Table of Contents
After 7 years of experience in Android development, I have been on both sides as an interviewer and as a candidate. Cracking a technical job interview can be a challenging task and we have to be prepared to demonstrate our knowledge. That's why I decided to create this study guide according to my experiences and try to keep it updated to help others and myself get the dream job when facing a new interview. Feel free to make a pull request and collaborate.
note: References come from authors of the blogs, stackoverflow posts and the online android community.
Enjoy it ;)
✔️ Android components : Reference
✔️ Fragment lifecycle and Activity lifecyle
✔️ Implicity vs explicity intents
✔️ .dex files : Reference
✔️ Multidex : Reference
✔️ Abstract class vs interface : Reference
- ✔️ Components, Patterns, Architecture : Reference
- ✔️ Advantages vs Java : Reference
- ✔️ Inline functions
- ✔️ Differents between lazy, latein : Reference
- ✔️ Extension functions : Reference
- ✔️ Kotlin kapt : Reference
- ✔️ Data class : Reference
- ✔️ Static class Kotlin : Reference
- ✔️ Singleton in Kotlin : Reference
-Gradle settings
-Build config
-Signing configuration
-Android keystore
-Profile tools
-Apk analyzer
-Database inspector
-Viewbindings vs databinding vs kotlin synthetics
-Recycler adapter why list adapter, Adapter viewholder,onbindviewholder,oncreateviewholder definitions
-Diff call utils
-UX patterns
-Jetpack Compose
- ✔️ Design Patterns : Reference
- ✔️ SOLID : Reference
- ✔️ Inversion Control vs dependency injection : Reference
- ✔️ HILT vs Koin vs Dagger 2 : Reference
- ✔️ Ktlint : Reference
- ✔️ Memory leaks : Reference
- ✔️ Png to webp/ vector smaller apk
- ✔️ MVVM : Reference
- ✔️ MVVM vs MVC vs MVI : Reference
- ✔️ Clean Architecture : Reference
- ✔️ SaveStateHandle advantages
✔️ Retrofit vs ktor vs volley
✔️ Converter gson vs moshi
✔️ Parcelable vs Serializable
✔️ Okhttp
✔️ Interceptors
✔️ Glide vs Picasso vs coil
✔️ Crashlitics
✔️ Push Notifications
✔️ Firebase test labs
- ✔️ Fundamentals : Reference
- ✔️ Robolectric : Reference
- ✔️ Mockk : Reference
- ✔️ Mock, stups, spies : Reference
- ✔️ Screenshots test : Reference
- ✔️ Expresso : Reference
- ✔️ Mockwebserver : Reference
- ✔️ Firebase remote config A/B testing : Reference
✔️ Rules
✔️ Advantages
✔️ Bitrise vs Github actions vs Jenkins
- ✔️ Bugsnag vs Crashlitics: Reference
- ✔️ AndroidX: Reference
- ✔️ Jetpack : Reference
- ✔️ Architecture components : Reference
- ✔️ Flow – Livedata : Reference
- ✔️ Coroutines Advantages coroutines vs rx java, rx android : Reference
- ✔️ Room : Reference
- ✔️ Paging : Reference
Carlos Adan - @carlyad4m