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Code and results of internship work performed by Carlos Vargas under supervision of Phd Rémy Cazabet, at LIRIS (

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This work consist of four parts. The first one is a general-purpose function to apply Community Detection (CD) algorithms (Crisp partitions / Overlapping communities) over provided benchmark graphs and calulate their performances using one or more evaluation metrics. The second one is a standardization function that make use of the first function to perform a comparison between multiple algorithms using several pre-defined sets of benchmarks graphs generated with an Extended version of the Lancichinetti-Fortunato-Radicchi Benchmark code and the research paper Community Detection Algorithms: A Comparative Analysis. The third part are two visualization functions, one made with classical plotting librairies (matplotlib/seaborn) and the other with Bokeh which allow interactive plots. The final part is a test performed over all CDlib algorithms used into the functions to check implementation issues.



The main tool used to develop this code was Python using Jupyter notebooks in Google Colab.

The libraries used:

Python                   3.6.9
google-colab             1.0.0
CDlib                    0.1.8
networkx                 2.4
numpy                    1.18.5
pandas                   1.0.5
matplotlib               3.2.2
seaborn                  0.10.1
tqdm                     4.41.1
wurlitzer                2.0.1
urllib3                  1.24.3
bokeh                    2.1.1
infomap                  1.1.3
leidenalg                0.8.1
angel-cd                 1.0.2

Generic Function

evaluate() is a general-purpose function to apply a (or few) Community Discovery algorithm(s) over a list of benchmark graphs with community structure. The list of true communities must be provided for each graph to evaluate the performance of the algorithm. According to algorithm type it is possible to choose one or more evaluation metrics.


graph_comms_list   : list, Each element is a list/tuple specifying the graphs (networkx/igraph object), the communities and a graph attribute dictionary.
algorithm_dict     : dictionary, Each key correspond to a CD function/algorithm to apply. The value could also be a list/dict with the user-defined function(s) to apply.
eval_method_dict   : dictionary, Contains the metric name (key) and the corresponding evaluation function name (value)
benchmark          : str, Name of the type of benchmarks.
case_name          : str, optional, Name of the specific study case, i.e. if there are several configurations for the same benchmark.
show_eval_progress : boolean, optional, If true the function will show a progress bar for the evaluation of each graph.

Supported CD algorithms and evaluation metrics

The function was thought to work with any community discovery algorithm taking a graph as input, so if an algorithm takes any additional parameters the user must provide an user-defined list of functions which take care of that parameters with respect to each graph.

The function was thought to work with any community evaluation method.

Standardization Function

evaluate_and_compare() is a function that compares Community Detection algorithms using pre-defined benchmark graphs with several case studies. It is possible to compare multiple algorithms, with multiple metrics over multiple case studies.


algos_list     : list or str, Algorithm's names to compare. If str, it must be a space-separated string containing the algorithms. 
methods_list   : list or str, Evaluation metric's names to use. If str, it must be a space-separated string containing the metrics.
benchmark_type : str, The type of benchmark graphs to use.
case_list      : list or str, optional, Specific benchmark cases to use. If str, it must be a space-separated string containing the cases.

Supported CD algorithms and evaluation metrics

The function supports almost all node clustering community discovery algorithms implemented in CDlib including Crisp communities and Overlapping communities algorithms. However, for some algorithms using extra parameters some random values were used to generate the functions that allow them to be launched into the function. These random implementations are included in the code and need to be carefully checked. The concerned algorithms are: agdl, scan, kclique, angel, lemon, lfm, multicom, node_perception, overlapping_seed_set_expansion.

All partition comparisons scores implemented in CDlib are supported.

benchmark_type and case_list options

There are several possible case studies regarding selected benchmark.

Benchmark Case
'undir_unwei' 'n_1k_sz_small'
'undir_unwei' 'n_1k_sz_big'
'undir_unwei' 'n_5k_sz_small'
'undir_unwei' 'n_5k_sz_big'
'undir_wei' 'n_5k_sz_small_ut_05'
'undir_wei' 'n_5k_sz_small_ut_08'
'undir_wei' 'n_5k_sz_big_ut_05'
'undir_wei' 'n_5k_sz_big_ut_08'
'dir_unwei' 'n_1k_sz_small'
'dir_unwei' 'n_1k_sz_big'
'dir_unwei' 'n_5k_sz_small'
'dir_unwei' 'n_5k_sz_big'
'undir_unwei_ovlp' 'n_5k_sz_small_ut_01'
'undir_unwei_ovlp' 'n_5k_sz_small_ut_03'
'undir_unwei_ovlp' 'n_5k_sz_big_ut_01'
'undir_unwei_ovlp' 'n_5k_sz_big_ut_03'

Benchmark Notes

The provided set of benchmark graphs were generated using external C++ code from this source and the parameter values as well as the case studies considered were taken from this paper. However, the resulting benchmarks were reduced in quantity due to practical reasons, so instead of 100 graphs we generate only 10 graphs per mixing parameter (ut) value/point. Another diference with respect the paper is the distance between mixing parameter points, we consider a distance of 0.1 instead 0.05, the results is the half of points considered in the paper.

The shell(bash) scripts created for this task are available in the Graph_scripts folder of this repository.


This is an example of the expected output.



Reference: Lancichinetti, Andrea & Fortunato, Santo. (2009). Community Detection Algorithms: A Comparative Analysis. Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics. 80. 056117. 10.1103/PhysRevE.80.056117.


Both plotting functions plot_and_compare() and plot_and_compare_bokeh() take the same input parameters and produce the same plots, the only difference is the first one uses classical plotting librairies while the second use Bokeh which allow some interactivity.


dataframe         : dataframe, A dataframe produced with previous functions
algos_to_compare  : list or str, optional, If str it must be a space-separated string containing the algorithms.
cases_to_compare  : list or str, optional, If str it must be a space-separated string containing the cases.
heat_map          : boolean, optional, If true the output is a heatmap.```


This is an example of the expected output for plot_and_compare() function.



This is an example of the expected output for plot_and_compare_bokeh() function.



Test Results

Each algorithm considered in this work was tested using evaluate_and_compare() to check possibles incompatibilities and implementation issues. Some of them (Overlapping communities) were tested using a smaller graph set due to high execution times. These are the results.





Code performed by Carlos Vargas Figueroa, CS master student at Ensimag - UGA.


Code and results of internship work performed by Carlos Vargas under supervision of Phd Rémy Cazabet, at LIRIS (







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