- easy to use – implement just one interface for a standalone UI5 application
- pure ABAP – development using 100% ABAP (no JavaScript, DDL, EML or Customizing)
- low system footprint – based on a plain http handler (no BSP, OData, CDS, BOPF or RAP)
- cloud and on-premise ready – works with both language versions (ABAP for Cloud, Standard ABAP)
- high system compatibility – runs on all ABAP releases (from NW 7.02 to ABAP 2305)
- easy installation – abapGit project, no additional app deployment needed
- BTP ABAP Environment (ABAP for Cloud)
- S/4 Public Cloud ABAP Environment (ABAP for Cloud)
- S/4 Private Cloud or On-Premise (ABAP for Cloud, Standard ABAP)
- R/3 NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.50 or higher (Standard ABAP)
- R/3 NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.02 to 7.42 - use the downport repository
- Introduction: Developing UI5 Apps in pure ABAP (Blog SCN - 22.02.2023)
- Displaying Selection Screens & Tables (Blog SCN - 23.02.2023)
- Popups, F4-Help, Messages & Controller Logic (Blog SCN - 30.03.2023)
- Advanced Functionality & Demonstrations (Blog SCN - 02.04.2023)
- Extensions with XML Views, HTML, JS & CC (Blog SCN - 12.04.2023)
- Installation, Configuration & Debugging (Blog SCN - 14.04.2023)
- Technical Background: Under the Hood of abap2UI5 (Blog SCN - 26.04.2023)
- Find abap2UI5 in the ABAP Open Source Projects (dotabap.org)
- Check out other projects using abap2UI5 (abap2UI5/links)
- Want to help out? see the contribution guidelines (abap2UI5/contribution)
- Part of the SAP Developer Code Challenge (community - 17.05.2023)
- Featured in the Boring Enterprise Nerdletter (newsletter - 08.03.2023)
- Featured in the SAP Developer News (youtube - 26.01.2023)
- And finally: Don't forget to explore the Demo Repository 🧭
Install with abapGit , create a new HTTP service and replace the handler method with the following code:
METHOD if_http_extension~handle_request.
DATA lt_header TYPE tihttpnvp.
server->request->get_header_fields( CHANGING fields = lt_header ).
DATA(lv_resp) = SWITCH #( server->request->get_method( )
WHEN 'GET' THEN z2ui5_cl_http_handler=>http_get( )
WHEN 'POST' THEN z2ui5_cl_http_handler=>http_post(
body = server->request->get_cdata( )
path_info = lt_header[ name = `~path_info` ]-value ) ).
server->response->set_header_field( name = `cache-control` value = `no-cache` ).
server->response->set_cdata( lv_resp ).
server->response->set_status( code = 200 reason = `success` ).
METHOD if_http_service_extension~handle_request.
DATA(lt_header) = request->get_header_fields( ).
DATA(lv_resp) = SWITCH #( request->get_method( )
WHEN 'GET' THEN z2ui5_cl_http_handler=>http_get( check_logging = abap_true )
WHEN 'POST' THEN z2ui5_cl_http_handler=>http_post(
body = request->get_text( )
path_info = lt_header[ name = `~path_info` ]-value ) ).
response->set_header_field( i_name = `cache-control` i_value = `no-cache` ).
response->set_status( 200 )->set_text( lv_resp ).
- check out this documentation for detailed installation guidelines
- read these instructions when you develop your first app
- want to configure the theme, bootstrapping, language and title? see configuration & debugging
- as always - your comments, questions, wishes and bugs are welcome, please create an issue