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Controlling drones without human intervention is a complex task because it involves accurate real-time decision making, especially in the multiple drones case. To coordinate the drones, we use multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm. Model parameters are stored on the overall control server, and drones provide real-time information back to the server while the server sends back the decision. Multiple agents share the same parameters. 3d reconstruction is performed using pictures taken by drones. In short, the project follows the pipeline below:

  1. Develop multi-agent reinforcement learning for the coordination of drones.

  2. Collect data and construct 3D models as the drones flying around the object.

Pyparrot Bebop 2 drone

Motivation: 3D reconstruction is getting more and more popular in research and industrial circles as the field of computer vision and graphics matures. To build a model of an object, sufficient amount of pictures with overlaps are required. In its essence, a 3D model combines information from all those images and reduces redundancy and makes it easier for humans to process the information. This concise information model comes in very handy when quick time-response in required (e.g. fire rescue missions). Thus, the idea of reconstructing a 3D model using pictures taken by drones becomes promising. Most drones accomplish their tasks controlled by humans, which is expensive and error-prone. To address this problem, we apply multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm to control multiple drones such that the drones can coordinate with each other and scan the object automatically.

The reporting of disaster incidents usually relies on information collection from authorities which is considered to be expensive. These disaster situation reports often fail to provide actionable information to incident response team ahead of time. There are very few existing incident response frameworks that take into account of the known valuable information. Additionally, this information can be supplemented by drones taking pictures or videos from the disaster scene. 3D scanning can help localize disaster situations such as fire inside building structures and can help plan and organize search and rescue missions. In this project, we are working towards forming a team of drones that could form a real-time 3D map of the location so that we have actionable and fine grained information about the area.

About the Drone: We are using Parrot Bebop2 drone for the purpose of this project. It is equipped with 14 megapixel camera with fish-eye lens for capturing images, Quad core GPU and 8 GB flash memory. It is capable of flying, filming and taking photographs both indoors and outdoors which will be very useful for our 3D reconstruction.Technical specifications of the drone are mentioned in the Table. In addition to it, our drone also has the following sensors on board:

  • Acceleration sensor

  • Gyrometer

  • Magnetometer

Pyparrot Bebop 2 drone

   Item                   Configuration
Camera               14 mega-pixels with fish-eye lens
Video                3-axis full HD 1080p
Stabilisation        Digital stabilisation (Parrot system)
Battery life         25 minutes flying time (with 2700 mAh battery)
GPS                  Yes
Processor            Dual core processor with quad-core GPU
Wi-Fi                802.11a/b/g/n/ac
Network              MIMO Dual band
Wi-Fi Aerials        2.4 and 5 GHz dual dipole aerials
Signal range         300 m
Video resolution     1920 x 1080p (30 fps)
Photo resolution     4096 x 3072 pixels
Video encoding       H264
Video stabilizer     3-axis digital system
Internal memory      8 GB Flash

Our Approach: The model we are developing applies Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (DMARL) algorithm. There are multiple drones controlled by one server deployed in the field doing data collection. To collect images of an object from different views, we divide the object into several faces and deploy one drone for each face. For each drone, to make the problem simpler and make it easier to train the agent, we discretize the space into 2D grids and it will be illegal for drones to move outside of the grids. Furthermore, the distance between drones and the object face remains unchanged which downgrades the problem into a 2D grid problem. To reconstruct 3D maps from pictures, feature points are needed. In this paper, we used Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features (BRIEF) as feature detector which generates binary descriptors of feature points in an image. To get more feature-rich images, the agent is trained to collect images containing with more new feature points. Policy gradient framework is adopted in our framework where a deep neural network takes the place of policy and actions are sampled from the output of the network. After data collection, images are fed into COLMAP, which is a 3D reconstruction software using Structure from Motion (SfM) and Multi-View Stereo (MVS) techniques [@schoenberger2016sfm; @schoenberger2016mvs].

Paper outline: In Section 2, we give a brief explanation of deep reinforcement learning and 3D reconstruction techniques. In Section 3, we talk about the related research done in this area. In section 4, we present the architecture and the system design including the MARL frameworks. In Section 5, we study our framework by varying the design parameters and also evaluate its performance in simulator and also in real life setting. Finally, we conclude the paper by mentioning our possible future directions in Section 6.


Humans usually tend to perceive lot of information about any three-dimensional structure by just moving around it. As mentioned earlier, using human agents is very slow and burdensome to personnel who might be better served elsewhere, whereas drones are readily accessible and non-intrusive if used with caution.

Deep Reinforcement Learning

A typical characteristic of Reinforcement Learning is the interaction with the environment. An RL agent learns to behave according to the reward feedback given by the environment after taking an action. However, to train an agent in the real settings is expensive and dangerous. Deep learning has had a significant impact on many areas in machine learning improving the state of the art in tasks such as object detection, speech recognition, and language translation. Recently, deep learning has been combined with reinforcement-learning to solve problems. Most prominent is the recent use of a deep Q-network(DQN) in Q-learning. Implementing deep learning architecture such as deep neural networks with reinforcement learning creates a powerful model that is capable to scale to previously unsolvable problems. DRL has many applications in various domains such as healthcare, robotics, smart grids and finance.

3D Reconstruction

Much has been accomplished in the area of 3D reconstruction. We intend to address the speed of collection of image data for 3D reconstruction and the intensity of the 3D model. One of the relevant techniques used to reconstruct an object from the 2D images is Structure from Motion (SfM). While mostly used in geosciences as a method of bringing down the costs of topographic surveying, SfM provides a necessary tool set to recreate a scene or object from a collection of images [@book]. Structure from Motion can produce point cloud based 3D models similar to that of a LiDAR. This technique could be used for creating a high resolution digital surface or elevation models. SfM is based on the same principles as stereoscopic photogrammetry. In stereo phogrammetry, triangulation is used to calculate the relative 3-D positions (x,y,z,) of objects from stereo pairs as shown in figure. Traditionally these techniques require expensive specialized equipment and software.

Common points are identified in each image. A line of sight or ray can be constructed from the camera location to the point on the object. The intersection of these rays (triangulation) determines the three-dimensional location of the point. sfmimage

To find feature points between the images, corner points such as the edges with gradients in multiple directions are tracked from one image to the next. One of the most widely used feature detection methods is the scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT). SIFT algorithm in computer vision detects and describes local features in images. It uses the maxima from a difference-of-Gaussians (DOG) pyramid as features [@lowe2004distinctive]. A dense point cloud of the area is then determined using the known camera parameters and the feature points from different angled images.

Related Work

The area of building a 3D map using reinforcement learning has not been fully explored but there are still some excellent work. In [@sadhu2016argus], they tried to build a framework to collect real-time data of the disaster scene from drones and mobile phones by using deep reinforcement learning algorithm as the coordinator. However, the reward function is defined based on the ratio of fire in the captured image, which is limited because a model that can recognize fire must be trained first and the error of this fire recognizer propagates to the reinforcement learning framework. Also, they never deployed it on actual drone surveying the site and collecting data. In our work, we define the reward as the new feature points in the incoming image which helps to improve the 3D reconstruction of an environment and also deploy the drone onsite.

In [@han2019deep], the authors present a deep reinforcement learning method of progressive view for 3D point scene completion under volume guidance and achieved high-quality scene reconstruction from only a single depth image with severe occlusion. In [@li2015recurrent] authors have proposed a hybrid models that combines both supervised learning (SL) and reinforcement learning (RL), trained in a joint fashion: The SL component is a recurrent neural networks (RNN) or its long short-term memory (LSTM) version, thus providing an effective way of learning the representation of hidden states.

There has been a comprehensive study on MARL framework done in [@bu2008comprehensive]. The paper provides a detailed discussion of MARL techniques, cooperative and competitive, for autonomous multiple agents learning how to solve dynamic tasks using learning techniques. In cooperative framework, the agents try to work towards a common goal with same rewards; while in the competitive framework the agents compete against each other with opposite rewards. In [@wharton2009simulation], the applicability of MARL is studied especially in the case of building evacuation in case of non-stationary fire. Similarly, [@schonauer20133d] focuses on the design and development of a mobile system that can 3D reconstruct building's interior and fuse it with thermal camera image as well. [@ramchurn2016human] leverages an MDP (Markov Decision Process) architecture to coordinate a response team in after an incident. In [@sadhu2016argus], authors describe a model for real-time incident response data collection to build a 3D mapping of the disaster scene with the help of agents present around the incident zone to facilitate the rescue operations. Although they described the model for real-time data collection, they never deployed it on actual drone surveying the site and collecting data. We aim to achieve this functionality in our project.

Problem Solution

Initialize policy parameters whatup
for t = 1 to num_episodes do
    while True do
        Get the state from the environment
        Feed the state to the policy network to get a distribution over the action space
        Sample from the distribution and perform the action, take an image and extract feature points
        Perform an exhaustive match between the existing feature points and the new ones
        Calculate reward according to the matches
        Record (State, Reward, Action, Next_state) tuple
        if is_done do
    if #episodes == batch_size do
        Update the policy network's parameters

The problem is formulated into a RL problem and is solved using policy gradient framework. To accelerate the training, we pretrain the agent to only learn the rules first and deploy it in the simulator with the prior knowledge.

System Design

The 3D space is continuous and if deploying the agents into the this continuous space without any constraints, it will take a long time for it to converge to a good performance. To ease this problem, we simplify the problem by adding several constraints. We divide the object into many faces and each drone is only responsible for collecting images of one of the faces. The distance between the drone and the object is also fixed. By this constraint, the drone's actions' degree of freedom is reduced from 3 to 2. Furthermore, each face is divided into grids and the drone's movements are only legal in these grids. After the simplification, the problem is much more solvable, and the subsequent sections will introduce the framework of the system to deal with this simplified problem.

Problem Formulation

Reinforcement learning is essentially an algorithm framework to solve Markov Decision Process (MDP). If a problem is properly formulated into a MDP, RL algorithms can be applicable. A MDP is a 4-tuple eq which has four components: state space eq, action Space eq, policy eq and reward eq

  • State space eq: The state is defined as the current position of the drone and a vector which records the number of visited times of each grid. The state, which is essentially a feature vector, will be fed into the policy network to generate actions.

  • Action space eq: Action space are defined in a simple way. To simplify the complexity of the problem, we discretize the continuous 2D space into grids. There are four actions regarding the girds: Left, Right, Up, Down. These 4 actions are the positive and negative orientations on three axes y and z and x is fixed. For one action, the drone only move a small predefined distance which is equal to the length of a grid.

  • policy eq: The policy is a fully-connected neural network with a Softmax layer as the output mapping state vector to probabilities of actions. It is not necessary to always choose the action with highest probability which is also known as greedy action selection because we want some randomness to exist in the agent to ensure the exploration. To generate next action from the policy, we only need to sample from the distribution provided by the policy network.

  • Reward eq: The agent is supposed to learn to move to those grids where the images contain more new features. The reward function will be more detailedly illustrated in the subsequent sections.

Design of Reward Function

The reward function is crucial to a reinforcement learning framework because the agent is trying to maximize the cumulated reward. Thus, a good definition of reward function will greatly benefit the learning process. As mentioned before, the reward considers new feature points in the incoming image. In order to determine if the feature point is "new", an image descriptor database is established to store all the unique descriptors. Once a new image is captured, run BRIEF algorithm over it first to get a set of descriptors, which are actually binary vectors. Then, compare each of the vector with the existing vectors in the database by using Hamming distance. If one descriptor is far away from every existing points, it will be inserted into the database as the new point.

Furthermore, the drone is supposed to explore more grids instead of sticking at only some of the grids. Thus, the reward should also assign high rewards to those exploration actions. Suppose the existing feature descriptors and incoming new ones are denoted as eq and eq, respectively and a matrix eq where eq is the visited times of the grid at eqth row and eqth column. The reward is defined as the following:


where max_visit is a predefined parameter and if a grid is visited more than max_visit times, assign a negative reward. As it can be seen from the reward function, the reward is clipped so that it remains in the range between -1 and +1.

Policy Gradient Agent

To solve this problem, we have considered many reinforcement learning models. Value-based models aims at maximizing the value function so that the agent can find an optimal path through all the states and get the maximum reward. However, value-based model need more a neural network to represent the value function and a policy, which could be a neural network as well. These methods have a great amount of parameters which will take a tremendous number of episodes to train. Instead, policy networks have less parameters and can map the state directly to actions. Thus, policy neural networks is applied in our framework. The input of the policy network is a vector of state and the output should be a probability distribution of actions. Let eq and eq denote the state and action in time step eq. The objective that the agent is trying to maximize can be expressed as:


where whatup is the parameters of the policy neural network. Because that the action value function is the expectation of the return, it can be concluded that:


By combining Eq. 2 and Eq. 3, the objective becomes:


The overall objective of the reinforcement learning model is described as Eq. 4, which basically says that the objective is the log probability of the return, in which the policy is the neural network.

Furthermore, the performance of the reinforcement learning agent varies from different training strategies. In our framework, a modified Monte Carlo (MC) methods is applied. According to MC, parameters of the policy network are updated after sampling a complete episode. However, if some episodes are too short, it will helpless for updating the policy network. Thus, a modified MC method is applied, in which we specify a batch size, and only update the network when the size of the batch is fulfilled.


Pretraining is a technique that has been commonly used in computer vision, natural language processing and many other machine learning areas. It is a term used in transfer learning, in which the model is trained on the source distribution while it is tested in a different distribution and the process to train the model on source distribution is called pretraining. This area has been well-explored, and yet there are not so much applications of these kind of techniques in reinforcement learning settings. In [@yosinski2014transferable], it has been pointed out that deep neural networks can learn feature extraction ability well. The authors of [@anderson2015faster] applied pretraining to their Q networks to learn the state-action dynamics. Before deploying the agent to the real task, they use the current state and the current action as input and next state and the Q value of the current state action pair as the output. The data comes from samples of (State, Action, Reward, Next state) pairs and it is assumed that if the agent knows the environment dynamics, it will do well in serving as policy. In [@abtahi2011deep], a Deep Belief Network (DBN) is used as the function approximator. The pretraining is performed in a layer-wise manner and the output from the last layer is regarded as the input of the next layer.

epi_reward epi_len

In our system, pretraining plays a different role from the aforementioned works. It no longer tries to learn extract features from data, instead it learns the rules of the environment. To illustrate, the agent is supposed to learn the following things:

  • Do not go out of the grids.

  • Do not stuck in some of the grids.

  • Visit each grid at least once.

  • Pay more visit to those feature-rich regions.

The first three can be regarded as rules, which are not related to the images. Thus, to reduce the time for training the agent, we divide the training phase into two steps. First, train the agent on a grid world environment. This grid environment is very simple, the reward function is defined as:

where eq is the times that grid (i, j) has been visited and max_visit is the max of the visit times. The training on this simplified environment is very fast and it takes only seconds to train 10,000 episodes. The agent the first three rules during the training on the simplified environment and it will perform well if it is deployed on a real environment or in the real settings, which means the process guarantees a baseline of the performance of the agent. The second step is to deploy this pretrained agent in the simulator to generate results.

Training in this way is much faster than directly training the agent with zero prior knowledge of the environment in the simulator.

image image image image

Performance Evaluation

We are evaluating our performance on two fronts. For one, we run the model in the simulator to test the overall performance of the framework. Then we deploy it on real drones to run in real world.

Evaluation in Simulator

The simulation is run on Airsim [@airsim2017fsr], a simulator for drones and cars built on Unreal Engine developed by Microsoft. A house is put into the simulator and drones are put around the house in the beginning. In the simulator, the camera of the drone is facing upfront horizontally and high-resolution images can be directly obtained through interacting with the simulator using program.

The metrics that will be used to evaluate the model is the total reward of an episode and the length of the episode. Total reward of an episode is how well an agent can perform during a single episode and the more it gets, the better the performance is. As for length of episodes, generally speaking, the longer it is, the more reward the agent will get, however, in our problem it is quite so because visiting a grid too many times will induce a negative reward. Furthermore, to test if pretraining does any good to the process, we compared pretrained model and non-pretrained one.

Evaluation in Real Settings

To see if the framework really works, we deploy it in the real world. Two drones are used to collect pictures of a pile of boxes using pyparrot [@pyparrot]. The configuration of drones we used is displayed in Table.

We conducted the experiments in the Drone Lab in Richard Weeks Hall of Engineering in Rutgers University-New Brunswick. Due to the limitation of the number of drones we possess, only two are used. The boxes are simplified to four faces and the drones are deployed at two adjacent faces. Because the drone's camera is facing down by 45 degrees, thus, before starting running the RL algorithm, the drone has to be elevated by a small distance so that it gets some view of the object at the starting point. Furthermore, the size of the grid and the length of one gird also need to be determined. Here in our settings, we define a 3 by 3 grid world with 0.5 meters as the length of each grid.

There are 20 images in total that are collected by the drone. The environment is shown in Figure and the generated 3D map is shown in Figure. It can be seen from the 3D map that the 3D reconstruction is good, which means both data collection part and 3D reconstruction part works well. Though there are a lot of blanks in the 3D map, the texture and color can tell that this is a 3D model of the experiment environment. Digging deeper into the blank space in the 3D map, the 3D reconstruction algorithm first extracts feature points from the pictures and areas of walls and floors are regarded as featureless and this is the reason there are so many blanks.


Multi-agent 3D reconstruction






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