Releases: CODARcode/z-checker-installer
Release 0.8.0
The key updates compared with 0.6 are listed as follows (but not limited):
- Fixed a bunch of bugs (see 'git log' for details): many bugs happened only at specific systems, so they were not found previously until more tests across systems.
- improve naming for compressors to be consistent with libpressio
- update (e.g., clarifying possible dependencies during installation, which is useful for some systems)
- add more error checking functions to improve reliability (e.g., when adding/removing compressors)
- integrate libpressio_opt in z-checker-installer
- add smoke tests for spack
- improve checking ability for the installation command (e.g., add checking of the minimum version of cmake and fix the missing-package detection)
- revise zfp scripts to be consistent with other compressors' scripts
Release 0.6.0
In this version of Z-checker:
LibpressioOPT is developed for searching the bestfit error control setting based on user-concerned metric such as compression ratio and PSNR. LibpressioOPT ( is under processing of BSD license copyright, so it is in a private repo now. It can be accessed upon request.
LibpressioOPT has been integrated in Z-checker to search for the best error setting based on specified target compression ratio as a use-case. To enable it, please check z-checker-installer's instruction document.
This corresponding z-checker-installer version also supports more compressors (including FPZIP, MGARD, digit rounding and bit grooming) compared with the previous version 0.5.0.
This version also supports automatic comparison of visual quality of decompressed data based on the same/similar compression ratios.
This version also supports a few more very important metrics such as different versions or formats of derivatives.
Fixed some bugs (please check the git log for details)
Z-checker has been integrated in Spack.
Release 0.4.1
support libpressio 0.28.0
Release 0.4.0
- We developed a convenient interface library (called libpressio) that can be used to call different lossy compressors with the uniform interface. It abstracts the difference among various lossy compressors (SZ, ZFP, MGARD, JPEG, etc).
- We integrated libpressio in Z-checker. MGARD is integrated in Z-checker via libpressio. (MGARD is disable in Z-checker by default because of its orders-of-magnitude longer compression times than other com pressors)
- Hardening the stability and efficiency of Z-checker, by fixing potential bugs (details can be found in the github commit history) and reorganize the pdf z-checker report (with catalog added and better type setting).
- Support Adios2 (allowing users to run one command 'testAdios2' to read the fields from ADIOS2 files and generate the Z-checker report directly)
Release 0.2.0
Z-checker 0.2.0 is a stable version that passes a series of tests based on different configurations and datasets. The executables (including examples and executable command) in the Z-checker package can be used to do the regression testing. The best testing methods are still using z-checker-installer. We also provided the support of Travis CI for the test of continuous integration. Specifically, it creates an individual working space for each simulation dataset such that its compression assessment results would not be affected by the package update or the assessments of other datasets.
Release a new version 0.1.3
The new version includes a few improvements related to memory management.
A new release z-checker-installer 0.1.2
This version corresponds to the new release of ZC (v. 0.1.2)
This version supports runOfflineCase, which simplifies the offline analysis based on given original data files, compressed/decompressed data files for a customized compressor. We also fixed a few bugs in this version.
A new release ZC 0.1.1
The most important update is as follows:
The previous version can only work on a set of data files which have the same dimension size. For example, it needs to read a set of files with the same dimensions stored in the same directory. Moreover, the data files' extensions had to be ".dat".
Example: ./ [datatype (-f or -d)] [errBoundMode] [testcase] [data dir] [dimensions....]
The new version here supports two options to read the data files, and the data files could have different dimension sizes. Moreover, the user can determine the file extension (see [extension] in the following command).
For instance:
[sdi@sdihost z-checker-installer]$
Usage: option 1: ./ [datatype (-f or -d)] [errBoundMode] [testcase] [data dir] [extension] [dimensions....]
option 2: ./ [datatype (-f or -d)] [errBoundMode] [testcase] [varInfo.txt]
Example: ./ -f ABS testcase1 CESM-testdata/1800x3600 dat 3600 1800
./ -f REL testcase2 varList.txt
release Z-checker installer
the first version