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Terraform EKS Module


This module provides a way to deploy an Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) cluster using Terraform. The module includes configurations for IAM roles, KMS keys, VPC settings, and various EKS add-ons.

Required Variables

Variable Name Type Default Value Description
ado string N/A The ado name.
cluster_custom_name string N/A The name of the EKS cluster.
env string N/A The environment name.
program_office string N/A The program office name.
domain_name string N/A The domain name to use for DNS

Optional Variables

Variable Name Type Default Value Description
argocd_chart_version string 7.3.6 The version of the ArgoCD helm chart.
argocd_use_sso boolean false Enable SSO for ArgoCD using Okta.
custom_ami_id string "" The custom AMI ID to use for the EKS
efs_availability_zone_name string "" The availability zone for the EFS.
efs_directory_permissions string 0700 The directory permissions for the EFS.
efs_encryption_enabled bool true Enable encryption for the EFS.
efs_lifecycle_policy_transition_to_archive string AFTER_180_DAYS The transition to archive policy for the EFS.
efs_lifecycle_policy_transition_to_ia string AFTER_90_DAYS The transition to IA policy for the EFS.
efs_lifecycle_policy_transition_to_primary_storage_class string AFTER_1_ACCESS The transition to primary storage class policy for the EFS.
efs_performance_mode string generalPurpose The performance mode for the EFS.
efs_protection_replication_overwrite string DISABLED The replication overwrite protection for the EFS.
efs_provisioned_throughput_in_mibps number 0 The provisioned throughput for the EFS.
efs_tags map(string) {} The tags to apply to the EFS.
efs_throughput_mode string bursting The throughput mode for the EFS.
eks_access_entries map(object) {} The access entries to apply to the EKS cluster.
eks_cluster_tags map(string) {} The tags to apply to the EKS cluster.
eks_gp3_reclaim_policy string Retain The reclaim policy for the EKS gp3 volumes.
eks_gp3_volume_binding_mode string WaitForFirstConsumer The volume binding mode for the EKS gp3 volumes.
eks_main_node_instance_types list(string) ["c5.2xlarge"] The instance types for the main EKS node group.
eks_main_nodes_desired_size number 3 The desired size of the main EKS node group.
eks_main_nodes_max_size number 6 The max size of the main EKS node group.
eks_main_nodes_min_size number 3 The min size of the main EKS node group.
eks_node_tags map(string) {} The tags to apply to the EKS nodes.
eks_security_group_additional_rules map(object) {} Additional rules to add to the EKS node security group.
eks_version string "1.29" The version of the EKS cluster.
enable_eks_pod_identities bool true Enable EKS Pod Identities.
gold_image_date string "" Gold Image Date in YYYY-MM format. Must be in the YYYY-MM format.
is_prod_cluster bool false Whether the cluster is a production cluster. You can only have one production cluster per account.
karpenter_tags map(string) {} The tags to apply to the Karpenter deployment.
kp_chart_version string "0.37.0" Karpenter helm chart version.
logging_bucket_tags map(string) {} The tags to apply to the logging bucket.
main_bucket_tags map(string) {} The tags to apply to the main bucket.
okta_client_id string "" Okta Client ID for setting up SSO for ArgoCD.
okta_client_secret string "" Okta Client Secret for setting up SSO for ArgoCD.
okta_issuer string "" Okta OIDC Issuer for setting up SSO for ArgoCD.
node_bootstrap_extra_args string "" Any extra arguments to pass to the bootstrap script for the EKS nodes.
node_labels map(string) {} The labels to apply to the EKS nodes.
node_post_bootstrap_script string "" The post-bootstrap script to run on the EKS nodes.
node_pre_bootstrap_script string "" The pre-bootstrap script to run on the EKS nodes.
node_taints map(string) {} The taints to apply to the EKS nodes.
pod_identity_tags map(string) {} The tags to apply to the Pod Identities.
subnet_lookup_overrides map(string) {} Some Subnets don't follow standard naming conventions. Use this map to override the query used for looking up Subnets. Ex: { private = "foo-west-nonpublic-*" }
vpc_endpoint_lookup_overrides string "" Some VPC endpoints don't follow standard naming conventions. Use this map to override the query used for looking up Subnets. Ex: { private = "foo-west-nonpublic-*" }
vpc_lookup_override string "" Some VPCs don't follow standard naming conventions. Use this to override the query used to lookup VPC names. Accepts wildcard in form of '*'


To use this module, include it in your Terraform configuration as follows:

module "eks" {
  source  = "git::<release-version>"

  variable = value

AMI Variable Precedence

  1. gold_image_date
  2. custom_ami_id

If none of these variables are set, the Terraform configuration will not proceed.

Steps to Import and Use the Module

  1. Add the Module to Your Terraform Configuration

    Include the module in your Terraform configuration file as shown in the usage example above. Make sure to replace<your-github-repo>/path-to-module with the actual GitHub repository URL and path to the module, and specify the version you want to use.

  2. Initialize and Apply Terraform

    Initialize and apply the Terraform configuration:

    terraform init
    terraform apply


  • Remove, or alter, the existing storage class for gp2 volumes. If you want to keep the gp2 storage class, you can remove the annotation on it that specifies it as the default storage class. This will prevent a conflict with the gp3 storage class, which is the updated default storage class for EKS nodes.
  • There is a known issue with volume affinity on some workloads (EBS volumes tied to specific AZ). If you want to solve this problem you will need to use node taints/tolerations. You can find more information on how to do this here.


By following this guide, you should be able to deploy an EKS cluster using this Terraform module. If you encounter any issues or have further questions, consult the Terraform and AWS documentation.


  1. How long does this script normally take to execute? The script generally takes anywhere from 20 to 45 minutes to create. It is vastly dependent upon the VPN connection and the traffic on the AWS API. The node rotation that occurs at the end of the script generally takes about 5–10 minutes for all nodes to cycle. This will increase as you increase the desired_value for the auto-scaling group.

  2. What does the error below mean?

Error: no matching EC2 VPC found

This means that you probably have an incorrect value being passed in your module call. You need to set both the env and ado variables to the correct values. For example:

env = "dev"
project = "batcave"
  1. I am seeing the following error, what does it mean?
[error] [aws_client] connection initialization error
[error] [output:cloudwatch_logs:cloudwatch_logs.1] Failed to create log stream
[error] [output:cloudwatch_logs:cloudwatch_logs.1] Failed to send events

You will see this error on initial stand up of the fluentbit pod(s). This error should eventually resolve itself as the fluentbit pod(s) come up and start sending logs to CloudWatch. Look for the following cloudwatch log groups to validate that logs are being sent to cloudwatch as expected:

  • /aws/containerinsights/<cluster_name>/application
  • /aws/containerinsights/<cluster_name>/dataplane
  • /aws/containerinsights/<cluster_name>/performance
  • /aws/containerinsights/<cluster_name>/host
  1. Where is the admin password for ArgoCD?

The admin password for ArgoCD is stored in the argocd-initial-admin-secret secret in the argocd namespace.

  1. I am seeing errors for route53, what does this mean?

If you are seeing errors related to the data block of the route53 zone, this means that you have not specified the domain_name variable.

  1. Why is the EKS Node Security Group not properly being destroyed?

We have seen this issue arise when the autoscaling group nodes are rotated and then a terraform destroy is run very shortly afterwards. Give the nodes at least 10 minutes after the rotation to ensure that they are properly terminated before running a terraform destroy.


  1. Terraform Configuration:

    • The null_resource.validate_vars resource uses a local-exec provisioner to run a shell script that checks the image_var_validation condition and exits with an error if it is true.
    • The following environment variables need to be configured:
      • AWS_SESSION_TOKEN (if using temporary credentials) OR
      • AWS_PROFILE (if using named profile)

    • The README provides an overview of the module, a table of configurable variables, usage instructions, and details on the AMI selection logic.
    • The AMI selection logic section explains the requirements for setting the image variables and the precedence order if more than one variable is set.
  3. Execution:

    • You will see that after the cluster and nodes have come up, and all addons are deployed, the nodes will destroy. This is intended behavior as the nodes are cycled to assure they are utilizing the latest VPC CNI configuration.
  4. How do I configure SSO for ArgoCd?

To set up SSO for ArgoCD using Okta, you need to add specific variables when calling the main EKS module. You need to ensure that the Okta variables are provided when SSO is enabled. For example:

module "main-eks" {
  source = "git::<release-version>"

  cluster_custom_name = "temp-test"
  env                 = "impl"
  gold_image_date     = "2024-06"
  ado                 = "batcave"
  program_office      = "batman"
  argocd_use_sso      = true
  okta_issuer         = "OKTA Issuer URL"
  okta_client_id      = "OKTA client ID"
  okta_client_secret  = "OKTA client secret"


  • This EKS core module was co-developed with other IUSG cloud engineering contractors such as Leidos and Samtek.