Mechanical properties and deformation mechanisms in CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloys: a molecular dynamics study
In this repositiory, we demonstrate the LAMMPS codes with an example of equimolar CoCrFeMnNi HEA system used in this paper and the snapshot videos for this simulations. You can generate your preferable input and data files using the code from this repository.
You can find more information in our published work (K-T Chen et al. 2021 [1]), and the potential files were provided by Choi et al. 2018 [2].
If you wish to run our code, we use the lammps-16Mar18
version of LAMMPS with mpi execution.
file is our data file, you can also generate your preferable atom configuration. Please note that the simulation box size should be identical and the lattice parameter is 3.595 Angstroms. Our data is in [100], [010], [001] axial directions.
is our input file. The simulation process is as follows:
- Energy minimization
- Lattice relaxation
- Monte Carlo simulation
- Quenching process
- Boundary condition readjustment
- Tensile simulation
We use min_style sd
to initialize the model and dnax
value of 0.2. This is because we only want to ensure the stability of the model, and the precision would not matter much in this case.
The atomic stress is also defined in this section.
Since our boundary condition is currently periodic, we here run isothermal–isobaric ensemble
(NPT) for initial lattice relaxation. This is also the stage we assign velocity to the system, so a random seed is needed for this step. In our simulations, we changed the random seed in the same composition for maximizing our simulation validity (we usually run 4 or 5 times within one composition, using the same data file and different random seed). We chose a 1.8 drag for the barostat/thermostat, but you can tune to your preference value.
The Monte Carlo
simulation is ultilized here because we want to simulate the short-range ordering effect and lattice distortion effect of the HEA systems. By minimizing the system energy using Monte Carlo method, we wish the configuration of the system can be more realistic. The simulation steps for swapping are 15000. So if you are performing a composition with one of the elements being set to 0 molar ratio, the swapping steps should be annotated.
We experimented swapping multiple atoms within one step, and the result is in convergent with time being the major controlling variable. Also, the swapping steps are not fine tuned so there may be an optimum number for a given atom number. We only chose a reasonable number of steps because it is time consuming.
Again, this part of the code aimed for more realistic local configuration. We heat the system from 300K to 1500K, equilibrium under 1500K, then cool back to 300K, follows by a equilibrium under 300K. NPT
ensemble is used in this section. In our simulations, 1500K is high enough for the system to melt and rearrange. However, there might be a chance that the final lattice structure remained amorphous, such as Ni0. Defects like stacking faults, intrinsic stacking faults and extrinsic stacking faults would often emerge in this part of the simulation.
In this simulation, we are interested in the ductile property of the system. After pormising initial configuration is formed, we switch the boundary condition to non-periodic so that tensile simulation can be prolonged and deformation mechanisms during the tensile process can be observed. After switching to non-periodic boundary condition, we also switch to Canonical ensemble
(NVT) and run a relaxation to relax the surface stress. In most cases, the initial stress can be reduced to around -2 order of GPa.
In the tensile simulation, we fix the upper and lower 27 angstroms of the model and give them fixed velocity 0.3 Angstom/picosecond
(0.15 upwards and -0.15 downwards). Strain and stress are calculated using the region where the fixed regions are excluded.
Animation of all our simulation runs are shown in this project. You can find animations processed using Common Neighbor Analysis (CNA) and our self-developed Planar Defect Identification (PDI) algorithm via OVITO. In CNA processed videos, atoms with fcc crystal structure are colored green, bcc crystal structure are colored blue and hcp crystal structure are colored red. Amorphous atoms are excluded in all videos. Each animation is recorded till the model rupture or an amorphous necking formed.
If you want to calculate the generalized stacking fault energy in LAMMPS, the
is our input file. The simulation process is as follows:
- Generate atoms configuration
- Lattice relaxation
- Monte Carlo simulation
- Lattice relaxation
- Calculate generalized stacking fault energy
We create our atom configuration with a dimension of 21x20x10 unit cells generated by create_atoms
. The X, Y and Z axes of the simulation box are aligned with [11-2], [111] and [1-10] crystal directions, respectively. The simulation box is filled with 67,200 atoms.
The region up1
and up2
are also defined in this section.
Since our boundary condition is currently periodic, we here run isothermal–isobaric ensemble
(NPT) for initial lattice relaxation. This is also the stage we assign velocity to the system, so a random seed is needed for this step. In our simulations, we changed the random seed in the same composition for maximizing our simulation validity (we run 5 times within one composition, using the same data file and different random seed). Same, a 1.8 drag was set for the barostat/thermostat, but you can tune to your preference value.
The Monte Carlo
simulation is ultilized here because we want to simulate the short-range ordering effect and lattice distortion effect of the HEA systems. By minimizing the system energy using Monte Carlo method, we wish the configuration of the system can be more realistic. The simulation steps for swapping are 2000. So if you are performing a composition with one of the elements being set to 0 molar ratio, the swapping steps should be annotated.
We calculate the generalized stacking fault energy in 2 stages. The general idea is that dividing the simulation box into 2 blocks as upper block and lower block in [111] direction. Then,the upper block of the simulation box(as a rigid body) is displaced on the lower block along [11-2] direction on (111) crystalline plane. We conduct displace_atoms
in region up1
to caculate USFE, ISFE at the first stage and conduct displace_atoms
in region up2
to caculate UTFE,ESFE at the second stage, respectively.
If you have any question about our project, please contact our email address: [email protected]
[1] K-T Chen, T-J Wei, G-C Li, M-Y Chen, Y-S Chen, S-W Chang, H-W Yen, C-S Chen, Mechanical properties and deformation mechanisms in CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloys: a molecular dynamics study, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 271, 124912, (2021).
[2] W.-M. Choi, Y.H. Jo, S.S. Sohn, S. Lee, B.-J. Lee, Understanding the physical metallurgy of the CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy: an atomistic simulation study, npj Computational Materials 4(1) (2018).