- This folder contains the laptop_client.py code to run on each of the dancer's laptop.
- Run requirements.txt for dependencies.
- config.py to set relevant parameters. Include Sunfire account to tunnel into the Ultra96.
- Run the program using 'python3 laptop_client.py'
- This folder contains the dashboard_server.py code to run on the dashboard server.
- Run requirements.txt for dependencies.
- Starts an SSH tunnel and attempts to connect to the Ultra96
- Run the program using 'python3 dashboard_client.py'
- This folder contains the codes for the Ultra96 to run.
- Contains 4 main scripts. ultra96_client, ultra96_server, dashboard_server and main.py.
- The first 3 contains the code to handle the connection to the respective devices. main.py contains the main driver of the whole program. Imports the other classes.
- Use config.py to set the relevant parameters for the program.
- Helper scripts - move_eval.py, ml.py, driver_hardware_ml.py contains the helper scripts for evaluating moves, ml code and FPGA ml code respectively.
- Run requirements.txt for dependencies.
- Run the program using 'python3 main.py'