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A small API that sends anime/hentai images in JSON.


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Other stuff

Coming soon

  • More endpoints
  • Improved randomness
  • Better response times


Why do I get an error?

  • the most likely issue is that you are using the default user-agent

Can i help?

  • Yes of course just make a PR.

Will it work on my PC?

  • I don't recommend using my stuff but only for testing purposes (maybe).

What is the difference between version 1 and version 2?

  • The backend of both of the versions are completely different and optimized for different types of workload due to this v1 will be depreciated and not accessible anymore in the future when v2 is fully released.

What are you using redis for?

  • it is just a simple caching step between the API requests and the images it just makes loading the images a bit more optimzed and faster due to this if you decide to run it on your own machine Redis is highly recommended to be used.

Why are you rebuilding your API

  1. PHP is slow and I want better speed
  2. PHP setup is a pain in the ass
  3. I want to learn some new stuff

So what will change?

  • Backend in Rust
  • Frontend in Python With C
  • Database will be switched to MongoDB
  • Dashboards
  • Login Page
  • Authentication Methods
  • User Tokens and UUIDs
  • a lot of minor stuff

Is there a chance that the code will be public

  • Yes it will be in the future fully open source It now is

Roadmap / TODO

  • Make the whole backend
  • Make the frontend
  • remake the login page
  • remake the dashboard
  • remake the loggers
  • add tagging
  • 2FA
  • Better Uploaders
  • Redis Caching


  • Rust
  • Python 3
  • MongoDB
  • Redis
  • Web Server

How to setup for dummy's

Recommended is Linux/Unix

Download & install Python and Rust for this project then run these 2 commands cd FrontEnd && Python3 cd BackEnd/neat-api && cargo run

Change stuff in the .env to make it be able to connect to the database and set the right logging level

Setup database

Change the correct variables in your own .env file then run cargo run it will auto populate the database

How to do oauth tokens


  • Will explain this at a later point, will also add some stuff to the dashboard to simplfy the process