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This project provides a rule engine for evaluating dynamic rules. It can be used to uncover the specific conditions that drive actions in complex rule-based systems.


Define rules using conditions like:

  • Get description of conditions that drove a particular action
  • Built in conditions like GreaterThan (>), LessThan (<), EqualTo (==), In (for slices, Nil checks
  • Combine conditions using AND and OR
  • Write custom functions for rules if you have more complex conditions
  • Specify actions to be executed when rules are met
  • All conditions and actions are just usual Go functions

Example Usage

Say you would like to label a user session as risky based on some conditions that you have stored in some configuration. And the conditions look like this:


  • > 2000 AND user.employment = nil


  • one of the user's friends is "John"


  • Mark the session category as risky

Here is how you would go about doing it (see complete code in examples/risk_rules.go):

import (
	r ""

func AnalyseUserRisk() error {

	userData := UserData{
		Name:       "Paul",
		Age:        29,
		Money:      500000,
		Employment: nil,
		Friends:    []string{"Saul"},

    // Step 1: Create a RuleEngine.
	re := r.RuleEngine{}

    // Step2: Define the above mentioned rules and the corresponding action
	highRiskRule := re.DefineRule(
        // conditions
			re.AND(re.GreaterThan("Money", 20000), re.IsNil("Employment")),
			re.ListContainsStr("Friends", "John"),

        // action function (UpdateRiskScore returns a function)

        // action description
		fmt.Sprintf("risk level: highRiskCategory"),

	// add as many rules as you want

    // Step 3: fire the rules by passing the input data and results initializer function
	results, err := re.FireRules(userData, InitializeSessionResultData)

	fmt.Printf("risk category: %s \n", results["riskScore"])

    // Step 4: Inspect the results
	fmt.Printf("%s", re.InspectLastSession())
	return nil



[AND: Money > 20000.00; Employment == nil
 Action-> risk level: highRiskCategory

Getting Started

Install the package: go get

Refer to the example for basic usage. Extend the engine with custom conditions and actions.