- Tunis
- 12h behind - https://www.linkedin.com/in/brody-gaudel-m-19165aa5/
- in/brody-gaudel-m-19165aa5
bank Public
banking management web application with Spring Boot 3, Spring Security, Spring Cloud and Angular
ng-input-validation Public
Forked from bibangjoseph/ng-input-validationTypeScript UpdatedSep 25, 2024 -
spring-security Public
accounting Public
Welcome to the Asset and Liability Management Application! This application facilitates the management of assets, liabilities, and financial statements effectively.
Java UpdatedAug 3, 2024 -
user-role-management-demo Public
user role management whith Spring Security, java-jwt and Spring Boot 3.3.0
cryptography_encoding Public
Encoding, cryptography, and digital signature in Java (21)
file-repository Public
file-repository is a Java library for performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on files. This library provides a generic interface for managing entities in files.
Java UpdatedJun 20, 2024 -
devops Public
E-BANK is a banking management application developed using a microservices architecture. It allows managing customer bank accounts and operations such as credit and debit. This application is compo…
book-social-networks Public
Forked from ali-bouali/book-social-networkBSN is a social network platform to exchange books between the members.
TypeScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 15, 2024 -
spring-security-jwt-api Public
JWT | Spring boot & Angular | User Login & Registration with Email validation
How to Secure Spring Boot and Angular Apps using OAuth2 and OIDC Keycloak Google GitHub
UpdatedFeb 29, 2024 -
bank-cqrs-event-sourcing Public
Welcome to the Banking and Operations Management Application, a comprehensive solution for handling customer management and bank account operations such as credit, debit, and transfers. This applic…
java documentation for my bank application using cqrs and event sourcing architecture
OAuth-security-spring-boot Public
secure spring app with AOuth , google and github
demo-rest-api-spring-boot Public
Demo of a REST API whith Spring Boot 3.2.x and Java 21
mappers Public
Mappers is a Java utility library that provides functionality for mapping entities to Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) and vice versa