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RCTab Documentations

This GitHub project documents RCTab, an open source application for tabulating ranked choice voting elections. This README is intended for developers and maintainers of the RCTab documentation. It provides instructions on how to set up the project, run tests, and release new documentation versions.

If you are an actual user of RCTab and are looking for the documentation itself, those versions are released at the RCTab documentation homepage.

Setting Up the Project

Software Prerequisites

This project uses Material for MkDocs to manage and build RCTab's documentation.

Before you can run and use MkDoc's features in this project, you need to have the following software installed:

  • Python (version 3.11 or higher)
  • Poetry (version 1.8 or higher)

Cloning the Repo

To clone the repo:

git clone

Installing Python Dependencies and Git Hooks

First, navigate to the directory where the repository has been cloned (e.g. cd ./rctab-docs).

Then, run these commands:

poetry install # installs the dependencies
cp .githooks/* .git/hooks/ # installs the git hooks

This command will have to be repeated by all contributors to the repo every time the git hooks are updated.

Using MkDocs in the Virtual Environment

Poetry automatically creates a virtual environment for your project.

To preview and serve MkDocs locally:

poetry run mkdocs serve

To build MkDocs as a static site:

poetry run mkdocs build

Getting a print version of the documentation

  1. Either run poetry run mkdocs build or poetry run mkdocs serve to generate the documentation.
  2. Open Chrome and navigate to either the MKDocs server or static site with the following path at the end: ./tdp/print-page.html. (Chrome is recommended because each browser's print to PDF feature handles HTML and CSS differently.)
  3. Print the page to a PDF file.

Running Tests

poetry run pytest

Releasing New Documentation Versions


We use a documentation versioning scheme that aligns with, but remains independent from, the RCTab software versioning. This allows for multiple documentation versions per RCTab release.

Documentation Versioning Scheme: RCTab v[RCTAB_VERSION_NUMBER]-docX.Y

  • X: Incremented for major documentation changes (e.g., from doc1.0 to doc2.0).
    • Triggers: Certification and laboratory testing approvals, major content overhauls, new sections, significant updates.
  • Y: Incremented for minor documentation changes (e.g., from doc2.0 to doc2.1).
    • Triggers: Minor edits, typo corrections, small updates.

Steps to Create a New Documentation Version

  1. Determine the New Documentation Version

    For the example commands in this readme we'll use version 2.0.1-doc1.0

  2. Create a New Release Branch

    Create a new branch in the repository for the new documentation version. rctab-docs branches, for the most part, live independently of others. Branch from a prior release that makes the most sense.

    • Most Common Case: If you're creating documentation for a new version of RCTab or updating the current version's documentation, branch from the most recent documentation for the latest version of RCTab.
    • Older Versions: If you're updating documentation for an older version of RCTab, branch from the most recent documentation for that version.
    • Patches: If you're creating documentation for a patch, branch from the documentation corresponding to the version of RCTab the patch is based on.

    Branch Naming Convention: releases/[RCTAB_VERSION_NUMBER]/docX.Y

    Example Commands:

    git checkout -b releases/2.0.1/doc1.0
    git push -u origin releases/2.0.1/doc1.0
  3. Update the GitHub Actions Workflow

    Update the .github/workflows/ci.yml file to include the new documentation version under the #Manual mapping else-if.


    In the Set Variables step, add the new mapping:

    - name: Set Variables
      id: vars
      run: |
        echo "GITHUB_REF=${GITHUB_REF}"
        echo "Branch name: $BRANCH_NAME"
        # Manual mapping
        if [ "$BRANCH_NAME" == "releases/1.3.2/doc2.0" ]; then
        elif [ "$BRANCH_NAME" == "releases/1.999/doc0.1" ]; then
        elif [ "$BRANCH_NAME" == "releases/2.0.1/doc1.0" ]; then
          echo "Branch $BRANCH_NAME is not configured for deployment."
          exit 0  # Exit gracefully if the branch is not in the mapping

    Commit and Push the Workflow Update:

    git add .github/workflows/deploy-prebuilt-sites.yml
    git commit -m "Update workflow to include documentation version 2.0.1-doc1.0"
    git push origin releases/2.0.1/doc1.0
  4. Update the Documentation Content

    • Modify the documentation source files as needed.

    • Update mkdocs.yml with the correct site name and version:

      site_name: 'RCTab Documentation (version 2.0.1/doc1.0)'
      site_url: ''
    • Update the file with the new documentation version:

      # RCTab Docs (version 2.0.1-doc1.0)
      RCTab is an open source tabulator for running ranked choice voting elections.
      Here are some of our technical documents:
      - [TDP](tdp/
      - [User Guide](user_guide/
    • Build the documentation:

      poetry run mkdocs build

      This will generate the site directory containing the static files.

  5. Commit and Push Changes This includes all ./site/* files.

    git add .
    git commit -m "Add documentation version 2.0.1-doc1.0"
    git push origin releases/2.0.1/doc1.0

    This will trigger the ci.yml action on any releases/** branch. This action itself creates a separate commit of ./site/* from the releases/** branch into the gh-pages branch.

  6. Update the index.html File on the gh-pages Branch

    The index.html file in the root of the gh-pages branch needs to be updated to include the new documentation version.

    Example Updated index.html:

      <h1>RCTab Docs</h1>
      <h2>RCTab 1.3.2 Documentation</h2>
      <a href="./1.3.2/doc2.0/">version 1.3.2-doc2.0</a>
      <h2>RCTab 1.999 Documentation</h2>
      <a href="./1.999/doc0.1/">version 1.999-doc0.1</a>
      <h2>RCTab 2.0.1 Documentation</h2>
      <a href="./2.0.1/doc1.0/">version 2.0.1-doc1.0</a>

    Commit and Push Changes:

    git add index.html
    git commit -m "Update index.html with documentation version 2.0.1-doc1.0"
    git push origin gh-pages
  7. Verify the Deployment

    Check the landing page to ensure the new version is listed and contains your updates:

How to Obtain a Permalink

When linking to specific sections or pages within your MkDocs documentation, you can create permalinks that allow users to access the content directly. Be aware that these permalinks may change across different documentation versions.

You can obtain a permalink by navigating to the desired section or page in the documentation and copying the URL from the browser's address bar. The paragraph symbol () to the right of the section subheading can be used to change the URL in hte address bar to the specific section.

Example Permalinks:

Useful scripts:

Compare specific ranges of lines between two files using vimdiff

requires vim and vimdiff



Some useful vimdiff commands to use in ./scripts/

Action vimdiff command
Switch between files being compared ctrl+w+w while in vim's INSERT mode
Wrap lines in a window pane setlocal wrap linebreak while in vim's COMMAND mode
Copy a the selected window pane's file to the MacOS clipboard w !pbcopy while in vim's COMMNAND mode

Copy specific ranges of lines from one file into another file



Recommend testing this out on some small test files to understand how it works before running it on larger files. Alternatively, you can use a version management tool like git.


Documentation for RCTab







No releases published

Contributors 3

