This BrickBot organization contains information and projects related to the original LEGO® MindStorms set—the LEGO® MindStorms RCX!
A hacker community grew around the RCX—individuals intrigued by the capabilities and determined to push the limits of what was possible. Of a time before GitHub came to prominence as site for sharing open source projects, many of these RCX projects were scattered on various personal and univeristy websites across the Internet.
A number of these projects have otherwise disappeared from the Internet, while others languished in deprecated version control systems or could only be found by looking up the website on an Internet archive. A few were projects that had been downloaded and saved before the original web pages disappeared, but whereever and whenever possible, links to either the original website (if still active) or an Internet archive version (if available) have been included.
Despite these efforts, several projects are known to have slipped through the cracks. If anyone might still have a copy of the source code for these, the contribution of that would be most welcome.
- Pocket Programmer ↗
- Phantom: An alterative to Spirit.ocx ↗
- A pre-build version of Phantom (v1.0 RC 2) is bundled with PRO-BOT under the “Binaries” folder
- MindStorms Tools, ↗
- RCXSimulator ↗
- Ada/MindStorms Installer ↗
Projects imported to this GitHub organization have been curated to varying degrees as part of the import process. Please feel free to join and contribute in whatever way you can, whether that might be cleaning up or updating documenation, converting text files to Markdown, setting up wikis, or updating code to work with the latest host platforms.
The initial eighty-plus (80+) projects gathered under this BrickBot organization on GitHub (org info) were largely collected by Matthew Sheets.
Links to archives of official LEGO® software and other files and releases related to the LEGO MindStorms RCX are available in the Archive.
This GitHub organization is not affiliated with the LEGO® Group. Please click here for the official LEGO® website.