This application idea got us first place at a 24hr Microsoft Azure Sponsered Hackathon competition, partnered with The Cannon, Houston TX.
Read blog post my website, which goes more in depth and how we built this.
Bump.IT is a solution to the issues costing American drivers $6.4 billion dollars per year, that is in both repair and insurance cost's. Additionally, the average price to repair a pothole including labor is about $30 - $50 / pothole, while the damage that single pothole may cause are up to $300 /year/vehicle. Thus the effort to fixing the affected roads is extremely cost-effective. (2016)
Having won the competition, post minimum-viable-product, granted us full access to MS Azure cloud infrastucture. Which we will employ for the future continued development of the application.
- Live Computer Vision using OpenCV
- Geocoding/Mapping