Full Stack Kanban App to create your account and organize your cards, move card to another column and upload your attachments.
What things you need to install the software and how install them
- Install Node.js
- Install MongoDB
- Install Java 11 (This project I use AdoptOpenJdk)
- install Angular CLI: 9.1.0
- Run npm install -g @angular/cli to install Globally or npm install @angular/cli to install locally. To install Install Specific Version (Example: 9.1.0) npm install -g @angular/[email protected].
- Clone this project repository
- Run
to start mongoDB - Run
mvnw clean install && mvnw spring-boot:run
in the folderkanbanSpringServer
to start in localhost:8080 - Run
npm install && npm start --open
in the folderkanbanSpringApp
to open the project automatically in the urlhttp://localhost:4200
npm start
run ng serve will start with proxy config, where "target" is spring boot localhost:8080.
Instructions how to install Docker on Ubuntu, Windows, Mac.
How to run it?
Execute this command in a terminal:
docker-compose build
- Build the image.docker-compose up
- Starts the containers.docker-machine ip default
- Get docker host ip address.- To access use
orhttp://<docker host ip address>:4200/
- Angular CLI: 9.1.0
- Node: 12.2.0
- MongoDB: 4.2.3
- Java 11(AdoptOpenJdk)
- Angular FlexLayout: 9.0.0-beta.29
- Angular Material: 9.2.4
- ngx-spinner: 9.0.2
- ng2-file-upload: 1.4.0
- spring-boot-starter-parent: 2.3.0
- spring-boot-starter-data-mongodb
- spring-boot-starter-security
- spring-boot-starter-web
- spring-boot-starter-validation
- spring-boot-devtools
- jjwt:0.9.1
- lombok:1.8.2
- Authentication using JWT in Spring Boot.
- Change your password,email,name, set cover image to your account.
- Move Columns position.
- Move Cards position.
- Move Card to another column.
- Upload attachments for your card.
- To do delombok use this command in folder kanbanSpringServer
mvnw lombok:delombok -Pdlombok
- The output will be
- The output will be
- Clone this repository.
- Make a new branch.
- Commit and push your changes.
- Create a Pull Request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
Copyright (c) 2020 Braian Silva