Releases: Borda/pyImSegm
support Windows
minor bug-fixing & extended testing
Some bug fixing and minor refactoring/cleaning.
Main changes
- absolute imports
- rename data-images and move figures
- fix skimage region prop. and re-label
- fix numpy and yaml loads
- split py2 py3 reqs and fix minimal req.
- CI: min-max build and uses GH actions
- CI: migrate nose -> pytest
- fix sphinx docs, warn and docs links
- fix notebook and update config
- fix pkg setup
update ImSegm
Minor refactoring and documentation crafting.
Note: This is the last release supporting Python 2.7
Some particular changes:
- adding online docs -
- move tests outside package
- freeze packages for Py2
- update Expt. class
- explaining constants
- fix ransac_segm
- fix Ray test
Cython & label hist.
Some particular changes:
- cython: ray features
- cython: label hist.
- fix ray features rounding
- fix label hist. padding
- move configs JSON -> YAML
- visual - update plots
- update pkg imports
- fix expt. RG
- use tqdm closing
- update CircleCI
- update docstring
general update
Minor package enhancements and updating image segmentation.
Some particular changes:
- rename CrossVal
- rename nb_jobs -> nb_workers
- fix numpy version for skimage
- update setup/compile
- change repr logging
- add CrossVal tolerance
- add io/image wraps
- add GitHub issues/docs
- add testing py3.7
- add pytest config
- add gitter badge
fix CrossVal & label hist.
Some particular changes:
- fix label histogram
- update params & docstring
- pep8 in imSegm & Experiments
- remove default dicts
- add doctests
- fix & refactor CrossVal
- update manifest
- minor refactoring
- update CI (flake8)
- add CodeFactor
general update
Minor package enhancements and updating image segmentation.
Some particular changes:
- add overlap alpha in segm
- add shift of ray features via FFT
- swap images - cut images to min size
- minor refactor, rename pipeline parameter
- partial fixes - e.g. Ray feature vector
- add ipynb for RG and langer. islet
- simplify annot-segm statistic
- add constrains to GC regul.
- extend measured Ovary ray features
- move sub-package utils -> utilities
- rename tests to be detected by pytest
- update setup,, CircleCI, codecov
- fix sklearn due version changes
- fix classif. CrossValidations
- using logging.exception()
update Classif.
Minor package enhancements and updating experiments with image segmentation.
Some particular changes:
- drop labels for train & statisctic
- visualise train samples (label purity)
- outsource metric for classif. hyper-param
- fix setup for installing
- fix loading input list
- remove LOO experiment
- extend color features
- add binary classif. metrics
- add illustration in README
- swap ovary orient. by CrossCorr
- minor refactoring
general update
Minor package enhancements and updating experiments with image segmentation.
Some particular changes:
- wrapper for image I/O
- wrap process sequence
- unify segment. models
- move images -> data_images
- add using config for segment.
- fix segm. debug show
- regroup general image samples
- fix classif. statistic
- update arg params
- replace depricated func.
- minor reactoring
Initial release
pyImSegm - Image segmentation - general superpixel segmentation & region growing.
This is the initial release of three consecutive segmentation utilities related to microscopy images.
Release content:
- segmentation package
- sample images
- experimetal applications