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flyontime CircleCI

Command flyontime implements interactive Slack/Mattermost bot that monitors Concourse CI jobs and sends notifications on significant events.

Notifications are sent for on following job state transitions:

  • job fails
  • job succeeds after failing at least once
  • job errors
  • job is aborted

Additionally, each notification message supports a set of commands for taking further actions. To invoke a specific command, just reply to the notification message. The following commands are currently supported:

  • rerun, retry - Rerun the job and post its new status.
  • mute [duration], silence [duration] - Mute notifications for this particular job for duration (e.g. mute 30m).
  • unmute - Turn notifications for muted job back on.
  • pause [pipeline], stop [pipeline] - Pause the job (or pipeline, which the job is part of).
  • unpause [pipeline], play [pipeline] - Pause the job (or pipeline, which the job is part of).


Configuration could be provided both from environment variables and as command-line arguments to the flyontime command, e.g.

export CONCOURSE_PASSWORD="s3cr3t-password"
export SLACK_TOKEN="slack-t0k3n"
flyontime -concourse-username="Bob" -slack-channel-id="42"

Full usage help can be printed by providing the --help flag:

Usage of flyontime:
  -concourse-password="": Concourse Password
  -concourse-team="main": Concourse Team
  -concourse-url="http://localhost:8080": Concourse URL
  -concourse-username="": Concourse Username
  -mattermost-channel-id="": Mattermost channel id for sending alerts
  -mattermost-token="": Mattermost token for sending alerts
  -mattermost-url="": Mattermost channel id for sending alerts
  -slack-channel-id="": Slack channel id for sending alerts
  -slack-token="": Slack token for sending alerts
  -verbose=false: Enable verbose output


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