A blogging application for creative people to express their feelings, thoughts and ideas.
Client: Reactjs, Tailwind css
Server: Appwrite
Deployment: Vercel
Create an Account by signing up.
Create an Project with the name Wellread and Select Frankfurt as the region.
Now copy your Project ID near the Wellread and paste it in VITE_APPWRITE_PROJECT_ID of your .env file
Now go to the Database and create a Database blog and copy your Database ID and paste in your VITE_APPWRITE_DATABASE_ID of your .env file
Now you need to create an Collection with name articles and get the Collection ID to paste it in your VITE_APPWRITE_COLLECTION_ID of your .env file
Go to the setting of the Collection and in the Update permission Add the role to All Users and checkmark Create, Read, Update, Delete.
Now in Collection go to the Attributes and create the following Attributes and for every attributes you need to give 255 as the size.
Next to Attributes you will find Indexes. Create an index with the following details
Now go to Storage and create a bucket with a name images and copy the Bucket ID to paste it in your VITE_APPWRITE_BUCKET_ID of your .env file.
Now go to the Setting of the Bucket ID and Update the permission of Add a role to All Users and checkmark Create, Read, Update and Delete
At last go to the Platform and add Web as the Platform. In the name give Wellread.
To know the hostname you need to run the project locally by npm run dev and if you get an URL like then in this case you will put in hostname and so on for other cases and keep on proceeding to next till you get Go to Dashboard.
- Fork this repository
- Clone the Forked repository to your system
git clone your-forked-repository
- Change the directory
cd wellread
- Copy the
cp .env.example .env
- Install Packages via npm
npm install
- Run the React Vite Development Server
npm run dev