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Lep - Lua Extension Pack

Lep is a libary of ultilities made in lua with a simple use of facilitate the life of devlopers, created by Ayano the fox start devlopment in: july 28th 2023, lest modify: december 30th 2023 most recent version: 0.1.9


simple manager
usual multiples ultilities
free of external independences

How to use?

only insert all files in your code on a path and require it in your code/program like the exemple require("lep")--right

There have some short exemples, the switch works like the switch of the C++ it check if some of the cases is equivalent to expression is like if, elseif and else but more manipulable the function recive a case table like the first paramter and a const or a variable like the second paramter


switchTable = {
    default = function()
switchTable['1'] = function()
switchTable['2'] = function()

switch(switchTable, 3)--output: !

The string module is a extension of string module and have much ultilities like find a match position like on the bottom exemple:


print("the string position is: " .. string.matchp("Hello World", "World"))--output: 8    12    World

Command list:

The command list is splited in parts/modules: math, string, table, io, os and misc

math module:

name parameters return
round n: numb idp: numb decimal based on idp
prandom min: numb, max: numb random number enter min and max
rsing nil random number that can be 1 or -1
root n: numb, i: numb root of n with i as index
cmrf d: numb circumference with a diameter of d
isPercent a: numb, b: numb how much a is percent of b
sign n: numb if a number is positive or negative
multiply n: numb, size: numb, method: str (ceil or floor) a multiply of n with base in size
angle x: numb, y: numb, x2: numb, y2: numb the angle assuming the points
dist2 x: numb, y: numb, x2: numb, y2: numb the distance between x and y
dist3 x: numb, y: numb, z: numb, x2: numb, y2: numb, z2: numb the distance between x, y and z
clamp n: numb, low: numb, high: numb, method: str (normal or inverse) number between or outside of low and high with base in n
lerp/lerp2 a: numb, b: numb, t: numb the linear interpolention between a and b how t is the porcentage
cerp a: numb, b: numb, t: numb cosine interpolation between a and b how t is the porcetage
normalize x: numb, y: numb normalize 2 numbers

string module:

name parameters return
tokenzine str: str, split: str table with string splited with base on split
between str: str, between1: str, between2: str table with alls strings between between1, between2
isOnly str: str, is: str if the sting is alls is
hexadecimal str: str, times: number hexadecimal paterner with a size of time
matchp str: str, match: str match string position
get tbl: tbl table with alls strings in a table

table module:

name parameters return
displayContent tbl: tbl, ident: number the content of a table like a string
content tbl: tbl, content: str if the content exist
move tbl: tbl, tbl2: tbl move a table
random tbl: tbl, low: numb, high: numb get a random item in a table between the index low and high

io module

name parameters return
writeFile dataname: str, content: str write a file with some content inside
readFile dataname: str the read file

os module

name parameters return
exist dir: str return the filename if it exist
getDirItems dir: str, method: str all files on a path
getCurrentOs nil your operatinal system

misc module

name parameters return
toboolean to: anything boolean
switch caseTable: tbl, expression: str, numb or bool the function that the case is real or default
pack method: str (table or var) pack
newClass item: tbl new class
inverte bool: bool the inverted bool
ripairs table: tbl it is like a ipairs but iterate from backwards

How contribute?

Just make a fork with suggestions of i goona see it# Lua-Extension-Pack


The lua default libary extension for devlopment help







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