Is a simple service used to have a secondary instace on the Google Compute Engine observe a primary instance for failure. In the case the primary instance fails the secondary instance will take over the static IP assigned to the master instance. Enjoy!
Open the gce-heartbeat file in your favorite editor and set the variables at the beginning of the file to the proper values. Then execute the commands listed below.
$] pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client
$] cp /usr/local/bin
$] cp gce-heartbeat /etc/init.d
$] chmod +x /etc/init.d/gce-heartbeat
$] update-rc.d -f gce-heartbeat defaults
$] service gce-heartbeat start
A service to failover a static IP on the Google Compute Engine.
usage: [-h] --interval INTERVAL --project PROJECT --region REGION --address-name ADDRESS_NAME --primary PRIMARY --primary-zone PRIMARY_ZONE --secondary SECONDARY --secondary-zone SECONDARY_ZONE
Establish a heartbeat between two instances for external IP failover.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--interval INTERVAL The heartbeat interval in seconds.
--project PROJECT The project ID.
--region REGION The name of the region.
--address-name ADDRESS_NAME Name of the static address.
--primary PRIMARY The name of the primary instance.
--primary-zone PRIMARY_ZONE The primary instance zone.
--secondary SECONDARY The name of the secondary instance.
--secondary-zone SECONDARY_ZONE The secondary instance zone.