A neovim plugin that helps to point to a specific place inside your code. Inspired by Intellijs "Copy reference" function. Useful for discussion, feedback, code reviews, and collaboration
The plugin is still work in progress. It already works in many languages, but for some it will probably not yet produce a good result. I am trying to develop a universal solution for all languages. I love to hear your feedback!
- Provides a reference to the exact location of your code.
- Easy to use: just position your cursor anywhere in your code and run the command.
- Works for all languages, someday (work in progress)
- neovim
- treesitter (+ language parser)
Using vim-plug:
Plug 'bennyville/whereami'
Using Vundle:
Plugin 'bennyville/whereami'
Using Packer:
use { 'bennyville/whereami' }
Position your cursor anywhere in your code and run:
or create a mapping
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>cr', ':Whereami<CR>')
This will copy a reference to your clipboard in a language specific format, useful for pinpointing specific sections of code for discussion, feedback, or review.