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All your exigents

Aye is a light WOW modular Addon that provides all your exigents, with a little help of Ace3 libs. Depot for many dependent addons aka modules, allows them to be written and run fast, easily and safely.

This addon is required for any Aye. modules, just install it, it does not makes anything by itself. Info for addon developers (if you are not addon developer, you can skip rest):

Writting a new module

  • Name it beginning with Aye., ex. Aye.example
  • Make 4 basic files and place them directly in the addon named folder:
    • TOC: Module name with .toc on end, ex. Aye.example.toc
    • Core: Module name with .lua on end, ex. Aye.example.lua
    • Options: Module name with .options.lua on end, ex. Aye.options.lua
    • Default Options: Module name with .options.default.lua on end, ex. Aye.example.options.default.lua
  • Optional: Add /libs folder and attach libraries for this one, specified addon
  • Optional: Add /utils folder and add utility functions inside

TOC: Aye.example.toc

## Title: Aye.example
## Notes: Example
## Depot: Aye
## LoadOnDemand: 1
## Author: YOURNAME

## Optional: list of addon specific libraries
## for clarity, place them in "libs/"
## @example
##| libs/AceFoo-6.38\AceFoo-6.38.xml
##| libs/Bar/Bar.lua

## Optional: list of utilities
## for clarity, place them in "utils/"
## @example
##| utils/Foo.lua

## Optional: additional files
## @example
##| Aye.example.Foo.lua

Important notes:

  • Name your addon beginning with Aye.
  • Mark Aye as module's depot with ## Depot: Aye
  • Add addon as LOD with ## LoadOnDemand: 1
  • Don't load module by other addon or manually, only Aye should load it's module while running.

Core: Aye.example.lua

Begin your addon with:

local Aye = Aye;
if not Aye.addModule("Aye.example") then return end;

Where example is your addon name. local Aye to cache it and Aye.addModule to handle user Insanity. In short: Don't let user to enable this module manually to avoid unexpected user–caused lua errors. Defend user from himself and reduce amount of unecessary tickets. Because nobody likes tickets!


Optional: Add Aye.modules.example.OnEnable Module's OnEnable is fired once when module is loaded by Aye itself. Put here all preparation operations, like adding new objects, initializing the Azeroth Defend–o–Bot 6000C™ etc. Example:

Aye.modules.example.OnEnable = function()
	-- register addon messages
	RegisterAddonMessagePrefix("Aye");	-- Aye
	RegisterAddonMessagePrefix("D4");	-- DBM
	-- list of all Naughty Childrens
	Aye.modules.example.naughtyChildrens = {};


Optional: Aye registers and handles all events existing in it's modules to futher fire .events events in it's modules. This means, you don't need to register your events, nor make any other frustrating code to handle it, just add function, where EVENT_NAME is the name of event to handle. Vuala! Example: = function()
	-- Achievement Earned


Optional: Aye.modules.example.slash Command: /aye module [...]. module is case–insensitive recipient module name. After module there can be passed space and any number of space separated arguments. Aye detects command module recipient and sends to it command optional arguments. Example:

/aye example Echo! yell

This command will send Echo! and yell as optional arguments to example module. To handle this command, example module should use the Aye.modules.example.slash command. Example:

Aye.modules.example.slash = function(message, channel)
	SendChatMessage(message, channel);

This example will cause to yell Echo!.

additional info

Avoid tainting globals. Avoid tainting global Aye and any of it's childrens, until explictly allowed (see below). Aye taints:

  • Global: Aye — Aye Addon object
  • Global: StaticPopupDialogs["AYE_INSANITY"]Insanity Popup object
  • Global: SlashCmdList['AYE'] — Aye command object
    • Global: SLASH_AYE1 — Aye command word

Aye's structure (beside Ace) where example is your Aye. module name:

  • Aye.libs — libraries. Aye uses the following Ace3 libraries:

    Additionally, Aye uses the following non–Ace dependency libraries:

  • Aye.utils — utilities

  • Aye.modules — modules. You are allowed, and thus, you should, for clarity, use Aye.modules.example object for your module data. If you need to init more subobjects, .OnEnable function is a right place for it.

  • Aye.options — Aye options object. You are allowed, and should use Aye.options.example object to put options of your module to in Aye.options.lua file (see below).

    • — Aye default options. You are allowed, and should use object to put default options of your module to in Aye.options.default.lua file (see below).
  • Aye.OnEnable — function used when Aye get's enabled

    • Aye.loadInsanity helper variable that determines if modules can be loaded
  • Aye.addModuleInsanity function that should be called by every module (see above)

  • Aye.db — Aye database, used by AceDB to store modules options as AyeDB.

  • Aye.frames — Aye frames:

    • Aye.frames.options — options frame
      • Aye.frames.options.default — default options frame
    • Aye.frames.root — root frame to handle events and propagate them to modules
  • Aye.assertDebug function, non–interrupting assert of Aye pcalled executions

  • Aye.errorDebug function, reporting last error

    • Aye.errorDebug container, list of errors to report

Options: Aye.example.options.lua

Begin your options file with:

local Aye = Aye;
if not Aye.load then return end;

local Aye to cache it and Aye.load check to handle user Insanity (see above). Then, add options object to Aye.options.args.example where example is your module name. Options object should follow the AceOptions table format beginning with:

name = "EXAMPLE_NAME",
type = "group",

where EXAMPLE_NAME is module name displayed in options, example:

Aye.options.args.example = {
	name = "Example addon",
	type = "group",
	args = {
		header1 = {
			order = 1,
			type = "header",
			name = "Example options",
		description2 = {
			order = 2,
			type = "description",
			name = "|cffe6cc80Example|r options description.\n",
		enable = {
			order = 3,
			name = "Enable",
			desc = "Enable Options",
			type = "toggle",
			get = function() return end,
			set = function(_, v) = v end,

Note that options should be saved in db object, where example is module name.

Default Options: Aye.example.options.default.lua

Begin your default options file with:

local Aye = Aye;
if not Aye.load then return end;

local Aye to cache it and Aye.load check to handle user Insanity (see above). Then, add default options object to where example is your module name. Example: = {
	enable = true, -- Enable Options

In order to access options from GUI, open Game Memu → Interface → Addons tab → Aye → your addon name.

Writting a new utility

Begin your utility file with:

local Aye = Aye;
if not LibStub:NewLibrary("Aye.utils.example", VERSION) then return end;
Aye.utils.example = Aye.utils.example or {};

local Aye to cache it. LibStub provides usage of newest util version, we just need to pass VERSION as integer number. Third line allows loading deprecated functions from older library versions, to maintain backward compatibility, if needed. Then, add util functions to Aye.utils.example where example is your util name. Example:

-- @noparam
-- @return {bool} IsMale if player is Male
Aye.utils.example.IsMale = function()
	return UnitSex("player") == 2;

Utilities should:

  • contain only functions or variables and work independent of any addons or modules.
  • not taint any variables excepts dedicated Aye.utils.example object where example is util's name.
  • be used when they can be used by many modules, but still, should be included by every module, independent.

Aye utilities are indented to work same for it's modules like libraries for their addons.


Special thanks to:

  • Ace3 authors
  • Vlad#WoWUIDev
  • Torhal#WoWUIDev
  • nebula#WoWUIDev

…and the rest of #WoWUIDev community.


You are free to:

  • Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
  • Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
  • The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

Under the following terms:

  • Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
  • No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.