Resources for PaPiRus ePaper eInk displays. This repository is based on, and makes use of, the rePaper/gratis GitHub repository.
Before using PaPiRus, do not forget to enable the SPI and the I2C interfaces.
You can enable the SPI by typing sudo raspi-config
at the command line and then selecting Interfacing options
and then selecting Enable. Without exiting the tool still in Interfacing options
> I2C
and then selecting Enable.
# Run this line and PaPiRus will be setup and installed
curl -sSL | sudo bash
# Select your screen size
sudo papirus-set [1.44 | 1.9 | 2.0 | 2.6 | 2.7 ]
sudo papirus-config
# System will now reboot
# Install dependencies
sudo apt-get install python-imaging
git clone
cd PaPiRus
sudo python install # Install PaPirRus python library
sudo papirus-setup # This will auto install the driver
# Install fuse driver
sudo apt-get install libfuse-dev -y
mkdir /tmp/papirus
cd /tmp/papirus
git clone
cd /tmp/papirus/gratis-master/PlatformWithOS
make rpi-epd_fuse
sudo make rpi-install
sudo systemctl start epd-fuse.service
from papirus import Papirus
# The epaper screen object
screen = Papirus()
# Write a bitmap to the epaper screen
# Perform a full update to the screen (slower)
# Update only the changed pixels (faster)
# Change screen size
# SCREEN SIZES 1_44INCH | 1_9INCH | 2_0INCH | 2_6INCH | 2_7INCH
screen.set_size(papirus.2_7INCH) (coming soon)
from papirus import PapirusText
text = PapirusText()
# Write text to the screen
# text.write(text)
text.write("hello world")
from papirus import PapirusTextPos
# Same as calling "PapirusTextPos(True)"
text = PapirusTextPos()
# Write text to the screen at selected point, with an Id
# "hello world" will appear on the screen at (10, 10), font size 20, straight away
text.AddText("hello world", 10, 10, Id="Start" )
# Add another line of text, at the default location
# "Another line" will appear on screen at (0, 0), font size 20, straight away
text.AddText("Another line", Id="Top")
# Update the first line
# "hello world" will disappear and "New Text" will be displayed straight away
text.UpdateText("Start", "New Text")
# Remove The second line of text
# "Another line" will be removed from the screen straight away
# Clear all text from the screen
# This does a full update so is a little slower than just removing the text.
from papirus import PapirusTextPos
# Calling PapirusTextPos this way will mean nothing is written to the screen be default
text = PapirusTextPos(False)
# Write text to the screen at selected point, with an Id
# Nothing will show on the screen
text.AddText("hello world", 10, 10, Id="Start" )
# Add another line of text, at the default location
# Nothing will show on the screen
text.AddText("Another line", Id="Top")
# Now display BOTH lines on the scrren
# Update the first line
# No change will happen on the screen
text.UpdateText("Start", "New Text")
# Remove The second line of text
# The text won't be removed just yet from the screen
# Now update the screen to show the changes
from papirus import PapirusImage
image = PapirusImage()
# easy write image to screen
# image.write(path)
# write image to the screen with size and position
# image.write(path, width, (x,y))
image.write('/path/to/image', 20, (10, 10) )
PaPiRusTextPos will take in to account \n as a line break (or multiple line breaks) Meaning text will be aligned to the X position given, it will not return to x=0 for the start of the next line.
# Set the screen size you are using
papirus-set [1.44 | 1.9 | 2.0 | 2.6 | 2.7 ]
# Write data to the screen
papirus-write "Some text to write" [-x ] [-y ] [-fszie ]
# Draw image on the screen
papirus-draw /path/to/image -t [resize | crop]
# Clear the screen
All demos can be seen by running the following commands. Code can be found in the repo for the python bin directory.
# Show clock
# Run game of life
# Show system information
papirus-system (coming soon)
# Push framebuffer to screen
papirus-framepush (coming soon)
# Demo of using the buttons
# Demo of getting temperature from LM75
# Snakes game
papirus-snakes (coming soon)
# Display Twitter feeds
The PaPiRus can only display Bitmap images (.BMP) in black and white (1 bit colour). If you pass an image to PaPiRus that is not a 1 Bit Bitmap, it will automatically be converted to this by the software. However, for best results and higher image quality we would recommend that you convert the image to a 1 Bit Bitmap before pushing to the PaPiRus screen using GIMP or Photoshop or similar photo editing tools like the rePaper companion to resize images and convert them to XBM format or WIF (the WyoLum Image Format).
The screens have the following screen resolutions:
1.44" 128 x 96
1.9" 144 x 128
2.0" 200 x 96
2.6" 232 x 128
2.7" 264 x 176
Also try using the method partial_update() instead of the update() one if you want to refresh the screen faster and maybe want to create some simple animations. Remember though that the partial method cannot be used indefinitely and you will have to refresh the screen every once in a while. You should ideally do a full refresh of the screen every few minutes and it is also recommended to completely power down the screen every few hours.
In case you have problems assembling the board please check this article on our website on which you can find:
- Connect the screen to the PaPiRus board
- Connect the GPIO adapter
- Install the pogo pin connector
- Install the push buttons Not all the sections apply to both the PaPiRus HAT and the PaPiRus Zero.
For additional information follow the links below: