🚀 I'm thrilled to announce the release of URLShortener, a comprehensive and feature-rich repository for making URLs short in .NET 8 applications.
This repository is packed with:
- ➡ Make a URL in short form of five chars
- ➡ Supports about one Billion URLs
- ➡ Use 'A' to 'Z', 'a' to 'z', and '0' to '9' to generate short forms
- ➡ Sample: "http://localhost:5249/𝚛𝚗𝚟𝚜"
- ➡ Count Click count of each short URL
- ➡ Redirect short URL to the original one
- ➡ Clean Architecture
- ➡ CQRS pattern for separating read and write operations
- ➡ Repository patterns
- ➡ EF Core
- ➡ SQL Server
- ➡ Custom Middleware for cross-cutting concerns
- ➡ Error Handlers for HTTP status codes (400, 404, 409, 500)
- ➡ BaseResult pattern for uniform API responses
- ➡ Health Checks in route
- ➡ Docker support for containerization
- ➡ Fully configured Swagger with security, examples
- ➡ Unit tests
- ➡ Integration tests
- ➡ Functional tests
- ➡ Load tests
🛑 See detail of tests in the below post
Testing Details
- ➡ Multi-language response based on header for En and Fa
- ➡ Best practices in DDD and OOP
🛑 Used Random.Shared, a thread-safe feature introduced in .NET 8
🛑 Used Original and Shortened as Key to remove LoadAll before generating shortened URL and used try-catch to insert data
You can find all these features and more in the URLShortener repository on GitHub. Feel free to explore, fork, and contribute!
👉 GitHub Repository
🌟 Don't forget to give a STAR ⭐
Contributions, feedback, and suggestions are highly welcome! Let’s collaborate to make URLShortener better.