This is my contact form made:
- Backend in PHP.
- Frontend in HTML.
- Styled in CSS.
- Helped with a little JavScript & jQuery.
- Multilang:
- It can remember lang in cookie.
- Once lang is selected it generate direct link to selected lang so it can be shared that way.
- It can be translated to other langs.
- Attachments - can be more than once and attachment pannel is translated!
- ReCaptcha v3.
- WYSWIG text editor (like Word etc.).
- Shows how many digits left to reach limit for each form field.
- Fully configurable config file - User can decide there about:
- min & max allowed length for message, addressee, recipient, email.
- Enable/disable return & confirming email.
- Attachments:
- Enable/disable attachments at all.
- Max allowed size for file.
- List of allowed file types.
- Set if attachments are requiried.
- Verification:
- Name - user can set what characters are allowed in name and if it should be verified.
- Email - same as above.
- Phone - same as above.
- User can enable/disable to show topic in form.
- User can enable/disable to show phone in form.
- User can enable/disable to show addresse in form.
- User can enable/disable to show company in form.
- Rules:
- User can enable/disable rules at all.
- User can set if rules are requiried.
- User can list all rules - currently not translatable.
- Email broker - user can set broker - broker is what recipment will se as addresse.
- Topics:
- User can enable/disable topic to be typed or selected from predefined list.
- Fully configurable list - support multilang - unfortunately currently only for two langs.
- Errors - shows erros and can take user back to fix and sent form again:
- Erros about lengths for each field.
- Error about captcha.
- Error about incorrect mail.
- Error about incorrect file type.
- Error about too big file.