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User Stories

Mark Boas edited this page Sep 6, 2017 · 12 revisions

High Level View

A high level summary of user types, what they want and why.

Social Media User (Hobbyist)

The Social Media User is a user that encounters video clips on Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Medium etc).


  • to obtain context (encompassing material)
  • to obtain meta-data (dates, locations, original broadcaster/publisher, transcript)
  • to share extra information with others


  • to use in discussion
  • to use in creating new social media content
  • for the lulz
  • to boost own personal brand

Student (Media / Social)

The Student is looking for a tool that will help them produce material as part of their studies.


  • to obtain context (encompassing material)
  • to obtain meta-data (dates, locations, original creator/broadcaster/publisher, transcript)
  • to find related content
  • to embed content (reliably)
  • to reference content (with fixed and reliable hyperlinks)


  • to write critiques / essays
  • to obtain a qualification in relevant studies


The Journalist writes articles in an attempt to promote a specific world-view for themselves or their organisation.


  • to obtain context (encompassing material)
  • to obtain meta-data (dates, locations, original creator/broadcaster/publisher, transcript)
  • to find related content
  • to embed content (reliably)
  • to reference content (with fixed and reliable hyperlinks)


  • to reveal "the truth"
  • to gain more eyeballs
  • to keep their corporate sponsors happy (if they have them)


The Activist has a political agenda they wish to promote.


  • to obtain context (encompassing material)
  • to obtain meta-data (dates, locations, original creator/broadcaster/publisher, transcript)
  • to find related content
  • to embed content (reliably)
  • to reference content (with fixed and reliable hyperlinks)


  • to reveal "the truth"
  • to gain more eyeballs
  • to change people's minds

Government Employee

The Government Employee (local/regional/national)


  • to obtain context (encompassing material)
  • to obtain meta-data (dates, locations, original creator/broadcaster/publisher, transcript)
  • to find related content


  • to reveal "the truth"
  • to justify actions
  • to ensure "justice"
  • to gain power
  • to preserve power

Detailed User Stories

Here we delve into actual scenarios in more detail. (We may decide that this is more detail than is required).

As a Social Media User I want to ...

  1. Be able to quickly retrieve a link to the primary source material while specifying a start and stop point and generate a link that points to the start and stop point.

  2. Too easily share on social media from both desktop and mobile platforms.

  3. Have resulting links from my search display the video inline (preferably with captions for silent consumption) when I place it in my timeline.

  4. Easily retrieve my past generated primary source links.

  5. See where I have used my generated primary source links.

  6. Have some idea of engagement with my primary source links.

As a Student I want to ...

  1. Be able to find the primary source material for any given clip.

  2. Be reasonably sure that the primary source material is authentic.

  3. Know who broadcasted the primary source material and when.

  4. Know who the people are in the material and to draw further data on them from 3rd party sites.

  5. Be reasonably sure that the associated meta-data is correct.

  6. Be able to view similar material and/or material by the same broadcaster.

  7. Be able to establish historic context.

As a Journalist I want to ...

  1. Be reasonably sure that the link to primary source material won't break.

  2. Be reasonably sure that the primary source material is authentic.

  3. Know who broadcasted the primary source material and when.

  4. Know who the people are in the material and to draw further data on them from 3rd party sites.

  5. Be reasonably sure that the associated meta-data is correct.

  6. Be able to view similar material and/or material by the same broadcaster.

  7. Have some idea of engagement with my primary source links.

  8. Know what other primary source material users are linking to.

As an Activist I want to ...

  1. Be able to quickly find the primary source material for any given clip.

  2. Know who broadcasted the primary source material and when.

  3. Know who the people are in the material and to draw further data on them from 3rd party sites.

  4. Be able to view similar material.

  5. Track the number of people that have viewed the link that I generate.

  6. Know what other primary source material users are linking to.