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BWRC AMS ML Discovery

Implementation of the CktGym project's ML-client & circuit-server architecture.


Discovery Libraries

Use these to create a new server instance pair. Read into this to understand how the server and client are setup, how they use shared utils to interact, and support simulations.

  1. cktgym_discovery_client: focusing on authentication functions that sets up everything to be sent to server for requests using Firestore
  2. cktgym_discovery_server: authenticates requests sent by clients and registers their rpcs to be used in simulations. The actual authentication function are under auth.
  3. cktgym_discovery_shared: a shared folder for utils to be used by both client and server, and the most important part: the definition and implementation of the rpcs under the

Example Use Case

Example is a use case of discovery_client and discovery_server, exposing a single simple endpoint. Read it first to understand how the (./Discovery/) servers as a trunk that hosts server functionalities and essential server - client interactions.

AutoCkt uses the server client interaction from (./Discovery/) to run the ML environment and provide it with necessary information to use proprietary software in (./Discovery/)

autockt_shared under AutoCkt/Shared contains the following:

  1. data classes for rpcs and defined rpc classes that are used for registering in the discovery_shared, which in terms of example AutoCkt, would be:
auto_ckt_sim_hdl21 = Rpc(
    docstring="Simulation on the Server",
  1. reward function used for ML environment with Ray.

eval_engines under AutoCkt/Ckt creates a call for client to send to discovery_server, in terms of autockt, it is called under different names according to circuit types. The is used for AutoCkt's ML training script under scripts. One example:

def auto_ckt_sim_hdl21(inp: OpAmpInput) -> OpAmpOutput:
    """# Our RPC Handler"""
    return opamp_inner(inp)

where the opamp_inner() is from under eval_engines. And the sample training script called

autockt under AutoCkt/Auto handles the input using a ML script defined here. The complete implementation are divided into three major parts for AutoCkt, all with the name autockt_gym_.... They are manager classes used to update the parameters and the gym environment implementation for correctly invoking the simulation environment with Ray.

Autockt: autockt contains three packages, autockt_auto, autockt_ckt, and autockt_shared

Currently hosted on our server. Autockt is a service that uses Keertana's auto circuit RL setup to find the optimal OpAmp design.

We defined OpenAI Gym environment in autockt_auto, for RL training.

In autockt_ckt, we defined methods to calculate FOM for a given set of design params. We use these methods to calculate RL rewards.

In autockt_shared, we defined supporting data classes for RL, which includes data classes like "Range".


Currently recommends Python == 3.10

Due to dependency issues, create two separate python environments, one for client and one for server. For client py env, run:

sh scripts/

And for server py env, run:

sh scripts/

Running a Local Dev Server

python AutoCkt/scripts/

Running AutoCkt Training

python AutoCkt/scripts/

Running Tensorboard

The training checkpoints will be saved in your home directory under ray_results/. Tensorboard can be used to load reward and loss plots using the command:

tensorboard --logdir dir/of/checkpoints

Running Tests


Authentication Token

  1. To register and obtain the auth token, go to website.
  2. Put the auth token in the .env file as DISCOVERY_AUTH_TOKEN.