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BLUETOOLS 0.0.5 Themes Update

25 Feb 10:19
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Themes Update

NEW Features:

  • Added THEMES (COMMAND: customize)
  • Added Theme: Magma
  • Added Theme: Nature
  • Added Theme: Desert
  • Removed confirmation message at the end of the loop
  • Added Float checks to the "rng"-Feature
  • Added Integer checks to the "rng-int"-Feature


[RECOMMENDED] bluetools-v.0.0.5-installer.exe:

Requirements to install and run:

  • Enough free space (Installer: 14.65MB , Program itself: 13.23MB)
  • A Windows Device (10/11 recommended), should also be up-to-date!


Requirements to install and run:

  • Enough free space on your device
  • A Windows device (10/11 recommended), should also be up-to-date!

Requirements to install and run:

  • Enough free space on your device
  • A Windows device (10/11 recommended), should also be up-to-date! (Sadly only Windows Support for now, maybe it works on other OS' but we don't know)
  • Python (3.11/Newest Version recommended)
  • All used libraries:

‣ os
‣ sys
‣ psutil
‣ platform
‣ datetime
‣ time
‣ tkinter
‣ random
‣ colorama
‣ openai


So, to sum it off it's an update that adds themes and does some little tweaks!

-> bluetools-v.0.0.5-installer.exe recommended for regular users
-> BLUETOOLS.exe recommended for regular users, who don't want to install it as an app
-> recommended for users who wanna look through the UNCOMPILED sourcecode



BLUETOOLS 0.0.4 Installer Update

18 Feb 16:11
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The Installer Update

NEW Features:

  • Added an Installer (Indev)
  • Did some little tweaks


[RECOMMENDED] bluetools-v.0.0.4-installer.exe:

Requirements to install and run:

  • Enough free space (Installer: 14.65MB , Program itself: 13.29MB)
  • A Windows Device (10/11 recommended), should also be up-to-date!


Requirements to install and run:

  • Enough free space on your device
  • A Windows device (10/11 recommended), should also be up-to-date!

Requirements to install and run:

  • Enough free space on your device
  • A Windows device (10/11 recommended), should also be up-to-date! (Sadly only Windows Support for now, maybe it works on other OS' but we don't know)
  • Python (3.11/Newest Version recommended)
  • All used libraries:

‣ os
‣ sys
‣ psutil
‣ platform
‣ datetime
‣ time
‣ tkinter
‣ random
‣ colorama
‣ openai


So, to sum it off it's an update that adds an installer, which is in the Early-Beta Stages!

-> bluetools-v.0.0.4-installer.exe recommended for regular users
-> BLUETOOLS.exe recommended for regular users, who don't want to install it as an app
-> recommended for users who wanna look through the UNCOMPILED sourcecode



BLUETOOLS 0.0.3 Createwindow Update (MINOR)

17 Feb 16:55
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The Createwindow Update (MINOR UPDATE)

NEW Features:

  • Added error message to invalid inputs in the Createwindow-Feature
  • Added messages after launching the custom window, to see all your settings (Createwindow)
  • Added more "cls"'s to make it look even more clean!
  • Updated "info"-Command (Added more info)



Requirements to install and run:

  • Enough free space on your device
  • A Windows device (10/11 recommended), should also be up-to-date!

Requirements to install and run:

  • Enough free space on your device
  • A Windows device (10/11 recommended), should also be up-to-date! (Sadly only Windows Support for now, maybe it works on other OS' but we don't know)
  • Python (3.11/Newest Version recommended)
  • All used libraries:

‣ os
‣ sys
‣ psutil
‣ platform
‣ datetime
‣ time
‣ tkinter
‣ random
‣ colorama
‣ openai


So, to sum it off it's a minor update to the Createwindow Command/Feature!

-> .exe recommended for regular users
-> .py recommended for users who wanna look through the UNCOMPILED sourcecode



BLUETOOLS 0.0.2 Color Update (MAJOR)

16 Feb 22:45
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The Color Update (MAJOR UPDATE)

NEW Features:

  • Added a lot more color to the program
  • Build in a loop, so that you can send more than one command per window!
  • Upgraded the ChatGPT Feature (Updated API)
  • Added an API Key Check to the ChatGPT Feature
  • Added a lot of "cls"'s to make the program look more clean and professional
  • Added "close"-Command to close the program

To list all Features you can just go back to the first release or enter the command "help" in the console!



Requirements to install and run:

  • Enough free space on your device
  • A Windows device (10/11 recommended), should also be up-to-date!

Requirements to install and run:

  • Enough free space on your device
  • A Windows device (10/11 recommended), should also be up-to-date! (Sadly only Windows Support for now, maybe it works on other OS' but we don't know)
  • Python (3.11/Newest Version recommended)
  • All used libraries:

‣ os
‣ sys
‣ psutil
‣ platform
‣ datetime
‣ time
‣ tkinter
‣ random
‣ colorama
‣ openai


So to sum it off it's basically a lot of QOL and cool new features!

-> .exe recommended for regular users
-> .py recommended for users who wanna look through the UNCOMPILED sourcecode



First BLUETOOLS Release (0.0.1)

16 Feb 14:16
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BLUETOOLS.exe -> Windows-only File, can be executed without Python! -> Requires a pretty new version of Python (3.11 recommended), some libraries are also required.

Required Python Libraries:

‣ os
‣ sys
‣ psutil
‣ platform
‣ datetime
‣ time
‣ tkinter
‣ random
‣ colorama
‣ openai

Features (Commands):

help - Shows you all available commands.
info - Shows a little bit of info about the project
time - Shows the current time
unixtime - Shows the current unixtime
download - Can download a few currently supported programs
createwindow - Allows you to create your own custom window (Very limited!)
ver-java - Gets the current version of Java on your system
ver-py - Gets the current version of Python on your system
cmd - Allows you to use nearly every CMD-Command
getname - Shows your current username
cpu - Shows the name of your processor and the amount of cores
memory - Shows your current memory in gigabytes
coinflip - Flips a coin and has a 50/50 chance of landing on HEADS or TAILS
rng - [R]andom [N]umber [G]enerator
rng-int - Generates a random integer (Not a decimal!)
rand-word - Chooses a random word from a 100-Word list
greeting - Greets you with a random greeting
predict - Allows you to play a little game, in which you need to predict a number
chatgpt - Ask ChatGPT! You'll need an API Key to do that
