In addition to the latest releases&codebases for most of his open-source projects, this site hosts many of the repositories which serve up the publications that comprise the primary virtual fiefdoms of his personal internet “demesne” 🏰🌾
📚 For example, this “core” personal website’s repository publishes his creative-writing&coding portfolios, some exemplary or useful web-development “template” repositories, various “bespoke” personal webpages he has authored focused on assorted niche interest “nerdy” topics or hobbies that especially interest him such as RPGs, and also some sporadic public journaling archives. 📖
- 🖥️ Looking to explore some fabulous Front-End web-development snippets/stylings? Check out this repository&wiki!
- 🤡 Intrigued by
‽ Peruse this repository or its informative wiki. - 📜 Ardent about low-level
languages? Check out the “scriptorium” project! - 📓 Seeking some tips for writing a great GitHub
like this one, plus ample other other awesome Markdown or developer profile writing tips&resources? If so, check out this wiki! - 🗃️ Questing for some outstanding/inspiring GitHub repositories more generally? Check out this curated index page conveniently linking to some of BFGriffith’s personal favorites! ❤️

If you find B.F. Griffith’s work to be sufficiently valuable/useful to you that you’d be willing to help fund it at whatever level you think it’s worth (and can comfortably afford to spare), BuyMeACoffee.com/BFGriffith is the easiest, least onerous, and most direct way to do so…

🎁 However, that site also provides links to where you could alternatively (or additionally) purchase various (hopefully amusingly/cleverly designed) fun+“nerdy” physical products, in which case buying any of that “merch” is definitely another much appreciated way to more indirectly support B.F. Griffith’s work while also acquiring something tangible&enjoyable in return at a good value even irrespective of all the freely available content that B.F. Griffith will always continue to publish as accessibly as possible with no paywalls!