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Example 4 Integration with ALZ module
This module has been designed to integrate well with the ALZ Terraform module. The below example steps through a sample configuration.
In the below sample, strict_subscription_association
is set to false
. This means that the ALZ module is not authoritative for each subscription that is a member of a management group that it created. The result is that the lz-vending module can add subscriptions to these management groups and the ALZ module will not attempt to remove them.
We recommend that you only create dependencies between the ALZ module and the lz-vending module in one direction. Typically this would be that the lz-vending module depends on the ALZ module, for example to supply the resource IDs for the vWAN hubs or the hub virtual networks.
Creating a dependency in the other direction, for example to supply the resource IDs for the virtual networks to the ALZ module (for the spoke_network_resource_ids
value in the hub network configuration), can lead to circular dependencies.
Instead we recommend using the lz-vending module to create the central resources, e.g. peerings.
If the lz-vending module is not able to meet your requirements, then please open a feature request.
title Dependencies between ALZ core module and lz-vending
Container(SystemAlz, "ALZ core module (caf-enterprise-scale)", "Module to deploy the ALZ platfom.")
Container(SystemLzVending, "Subscription vending module (lz-vending)", "Module to deploy landing zone subscriptions.")
Rel(SystemAlz, SystemLzVending, "Supplies platform resource ids to", "data")
UpdateLayoutConfig($c4ShapeInRow="1", $c4BoundaryInRow="1")
UpdateRelStyle(SystemAlz, SystemLzVending, $textColor="gray", $lineColor="gray", $offsetY="-10")
module "alz" {
source = "Azure/caf-enterprise-scale/azurerm"
version = "<version>" # change this to your desired version, https://www.terraform.io/language/expressions/version-constraints
providers = {
azurerm = azurerm
azurerm.connectivity = azurerm.connectivity
azurerm.management = azurerm.management
root_parent_id = data.azurerm_client_config.core.tenant_id
root_id = var.root_id
root_name = var.root_name
deploy_corp_landing_zones = true
deploy_online_landing_zones = true
default_location = "northeurope"
// Set subscription IDs for placement of platform subs
subscription_id_management = data.azurerm_client_config.management.subscription_id
subscription_id_connectivity = data.azurerm_client_config.connectivity.subscription_id
// Use management group association instead of having to be explicit about MG membership
strict_subscription_association = false
// Custom Landing Zone created as an example.
custom_landing_zones = {
mymg = {
display_name = "MyMg"
parent_management_group_id = "${var.root_id}-landing-zones"
subscription_ids = []
archetype_config = {
archetype_id = "default_empty"
parameters = {}
access_control = {}
// Management resources
deploy_management_resources = true
configure_management_resources = {
advanced = null
location = ""
settings = {
log_analytics = {
config = {
enable_monitoring_for_arc = true
enable_monitoring_for_vm = true
enable_monitoring_for_vmss = true
enable_sentinel = true
enable_solution_for_agent_health_assessment = true
enable_solution_for_anti_malware = true
enable_solution_for_azure_activity = true
enable_solution_for_change_tracking = true
enable_solution_for_service_map = true
enable_solution_for_sql_advanced_threat_detection = true
enable_solution_for_sql_assessment = true
enable_solution_for_sql_vulnerability_assessment = true
enable_solution_for_updates = true
enable_solution_for_vm_insights = true
retention_in_days = 30
enabled = true
security_center = {
config = {
email_security_contact = "[email protected]"
enable_defender_for_app_services = true
enable_defender_for_arm = true
enable_defender_for_containers = true
enable_defender_for_dns = true
enable_defender_for_key_vault = true
enable_defender_for_oss_databases = true
enable_defender_for_servers = true
enable_defender_for_sql_server_vms = true
enable_defender_for_sql_servers = true
enable_defender_for_storage = true
enabled = true
tags = null
// Connectivity (hub network) configuration
deploy_connectivity_resources = false
configure_connectivity_resources = {
advanced = null
location = ""
settings = {
ddos_protection_plan = {
config = {
location = ""
enabled = false
dns = {
config = {
enable_private_dns_zone_virtual_network_link_on_hubs = false
enable_private_dns_zone_virtual_network_link_on_spokes = false
enable_private_link_by_service = {
azure_app_configuration_stores = false
azure_automation_dscandhybridworker = false
azure_automation_webhook = false
azure_backup = false
azure_cache_for_redis = false
azure_container_registry = false
azure_cosmos_db_cassandra = false
azure_cosmos_db_gremlin = false
azure_cosmos_db_mongodb = false
azure_cosmos_db_sql = false
azure_cosmos_db_table = false
azure_data_factory = false
azure_data_factory_portal = false
azure_data_lake_file_system_gen2 = false
azure_database_for_mariadb_server = false
azure_database_for_mysql_server = false
azure_database_for_postgresql_server = false
azure_event_grid_domain = false
azure_event_grid_topic = false
azure_event_hubs_namespace = false
azure_file_sync = false
azure_iot_hub = false
azure_key_vault = false
azure_kubernetes_service_management = false
azure_machine_learning_workspace = false
azure_monitor = false
azure_relay_namespace = false
azure_search_service = false
azure_service_bus_namespace = false
azure_site_recovery = false
azure_sql_database_sqlserver = false
azure_synapse_analytics_sql = false
azure_synapse_analytics_sqlserver = false
azure_web_apps_sites = false
cognitive_services_account = false
signalr = false
storage_account_blob = false
storage_account_file = false
storage_account_queue = false
storage_account_table = false
storage_account_web = false
location = ""
private_dns_zones = []
private_link_locations = []
public_dns_zones = []
enabled = false
hub_networks = [{
config = {
address_space = [""]
azure_firewall = {
config = {
address_prefix = ""
availability_zones = {
zone_1 = false
zone_2 = false
zone_3 = false
base_policy_id = ""
dns_servers = []
enable_dns_proxy = false
private_ip_ranges = []
sku_tier = ""
threat_intelligence_allowlist = []
threat_intelligence_mode = ""
enabled = false
bgp_community = ""
dns_servers = []
enable_hub_network_mesh_peering = false
enable_outbound_virtual_network_peering = false
link_to_ddos_protection_plan = false
location = ""
spoke_virtual_network_resource_ids = []
subnets = [{
address_prefixes = [""]
name = "default"
network_security_group_id = ""
route_table_id = ""
virtual_network_gateway = {
config = {
address_prefix = ""
advanced_vpn_settings = {
active_active = false
bgp_settings = []
custom_route = []
default_local_network_gateway_id = ""
enable_bgp = false
private_ip_address_allocation = ""
vpn_client_configuration = []
gateway_sku_expressroute = "value"
gateway_sku_vpn = "value"
enabled = false
enabled = true
vwan_hub_networks = []
tags = null
This local makes it easier to get the resource id of the hub network from the ALZ module outputs.
locals {
hub_networks_by_location = {
for i, v in module.alz.azurerm_virtual_network.connectivity :
v.location => v
Here we create a single landing zone using the outputs from the ALZ module.
Note use of the local in hub_network_resource_id
module "lz_vending" {
source = "Azure/lz-vending/azurerm"
version = "<version>" # change this to your desired version, https://www.terraform.io/language/expressions/version-constraints
location = "northeurope"
# subscription variables
subscription_alias_enabled = true
subscription_billing_scope = "/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/1234567/enrollmentAccounts/123456"
subscription_display_name = "mysub"
subscription_alias_name = "mysub"
subscription_workload = "Production"
network_watcher_resource_group_enabled = true
# management group association variables
subscription_management_group_association_enabled = true
subscription_management_group_id = "mymg"
# virtual network variables
virtual_network_enabled = true
virtual_networks = {
vnet1 = {
name = "spoke"
address_space = [""]
resource_group_name = "rg-networking"
hub_peering_enabled = true
hub_network_resource_id = local.hub_networks_by_location["northeurope"].id
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