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This is a Terraform AVM module for Event Hub resources in Azure.


Major version Zero (0.y.z) is for initial development. Anything MAY change at any time. A module SHOULD NOT be considered stable till at least it is major version one (1.0.0) or greater. Changes will always be via new versions being published and no changes will be made to existing published versions. For more details please go to


The following requirements are needed by this module:


The following providers are used by this module:


The following resources are used by this module:

Required Inputs

The following input variables are required:

Description: The name of the this resource.

Type: string

Description: The resource group where the resources will be deployed.

Type: string

Optional Inputs

The following input variables are optional (have default values):

Description: Is Auto Inflate enabled for the EventHub Namespace?

Type: bool

Default: false

Description: Specifies the Capacity / Throughput Units for a Standard SKU namespace.
Default capacity has a maximum of 2, but can be increased in blocks of 2 on a committed purchase basis.
Defaults to 1.

Type: number

Default: 1

Description: Customer managed keys that should be associated with the resource.


    key_vault_resource_id              = optional(string)
    key_name                           = optional(string)
    key_version                        = optional(string, null)
    user_assigned_identity_resource_id = optional(string, null)

Default: {}

Description: Specifies the ID of the EventHub Dedicated Cluster where this Namespace should be created. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.

Type: string

Default: null

Description: A map of diagnostic settings to create on the Key Vault. The map key is deliberately arbitrary to avoid issues where map keys maybe unknown at plan time.

  • name - (Optional) The name of the diagnostic setting. One will be generated if not set, however this will not be unique if you want to create multiple diagnostic setting resources.
  • log_categories - (Optional) A set of log categories to send to the log analytics workspace. Defaults to [].
  • log_groups - (Optional) A set of log groups to send to the log analytics workspace. Defaults to ["allLogs"].
  • metric_categories - (Optional) A set of metric categories to send to the log analytics workspace. Defaults to ["AllMetrics"].
  • log_analytics_destination_type - (Optional) The destination type for the diagnostic setting. Possible values are Dedicated and AzureDiagnostics. Defaults to Dedicated.
  • workspace_resource_id - (Optional) The resource ID of the log analytics workspace to send logs and metrics to.
  • storage_account_resource_id - (Optional) The resource ID of the storage account to send logs and metrics to.
  • event_hub_authorization_rule_resource_id - (Optional) The resource ID of the event hub authorization rule to send logs and metrics to.
  • event_hub_name - (Optional) The name of the event hub. If none is specified, the default event hub will be selected.
  • marketplace_partner_resource_id - (Optional) The full ARM resource ID of the Marketplace resource to which you would like to send Diagnostic LogsLogs.


    name                                     = optional(string, null)
    log_categories                           = optional(set(string), [])
    log_groups                               = optional(set(string), ["allLogs"])
    metric_categories                        = optional(set(string), ["AllMetrics"])
    log_analytics_destination_type           = optional(string, "Dedicated")
    workspace_resource_id                    = optional(string, null)
    storage_account_resource_id              = optional(string, null)
    event_hub_authorization_rule_resource_id = optional(string, null)
    event_hub_name                           = optional(string, null)
    marketplace_partner_resource_id          = optional(string, null)

Default: {}

Description: This variable controls whether or not telemetry is enabled for the module.
For more information see
If it is set to false, then no telemetry will be collected.

Type: bool

Default: true

Description: Map of Azure Event Hubs configurations.

  • name - (Required) Specifies the name of the Event Hub resource. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
  • namespace_name - (Required) Specifies the name of the Event Hub Namespace. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
  • resource_group_name - (Required) The name of the resource group in which the Event Hub's parent Namespace exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.
  • partition_count - (Required) Specifies the current number of shards on the Event Hub. Cannot be changed unless Event Hub Namespace SKU is Premium and cannot be decreased. Defaults to 1.
    • Note: When using a dedicated Event Hubs cluster, the maximum value of partition_count is 1024. When using a shared parent EventHub Namespace, the maximum value is 32.
  • message_retention - (Required) Specifies the number of days to retain the events for this Event Hub. Defaults to 7 days for shared parent EventHub Namespace with Basic SKU, 1 day for others.
    • Note: When using a dedicated Event Hubs cluster, the maximum value of message_retention is 90 days. When using a shared parent EventHub Namespace, the maximum value is 7 days; or 1 day when using a Basic SKU for the shared parent EventHub Namespace.
  • capture_description - (Optional) A capture_description block as defined below.
    • enabled - (Required) Specifies if the Capture Description is Enabled.
    • encoding - (Required) Specifies the Encoding used for the Capture Description. Possible values are Avro and AvroDeflate.
    • interval_in_seconds - (Optional) Specifies the time interval in seconds at which the capture will happen. Values can be between 60 and 900 seconds. Defaults to 300 seconds.
    • size_limit_in_bytes - (Optional) Specifies the amount of data built up in your EventHub before a Capture Operation occurs. Value should be between 10485760 and 524288000 bytes. Defaults to 314572800 bytes.
    • skip_empty_archives - (Optional) Specifies if empty files should not be emitted if no events occur during the Capture time window. Defaults to false.
    • destination - (Required) A destination block as defined below.
      • name - (Required) The Name of the Destination where the capture should take place. At this time, the only supported value is EventHubArchive.AzureBlockBlob.
        • Note: At this time, it's only possible to Capture EventHub messages to Blob Storage.
      • archive_name_format - (Required) The Blob naming convention for archiving. e.g. {Namespace}/{EventHub}/{PartitionId}/{Year}/{Month}/{Day}/{Hour}/{Minute}/{Second}. Here, all the parameters (Namespace, EventHub, etc.) are mandatory irrespective of order.
      • blob_container_name - (Required) The name of the Container within the Blob Storage Account where messages should be archived.
      • storage_account_id - (Required) The ID of the Blob Storage Account where messages should be archived.
  • status - (Optional) Specifies the status of the Event Hub resource. Possible values are Active, Disabled, and SendDisabled. Defaults to Active.
  • role_assignments - (Optional) RBAC permissions applied to the event hub resource.


    namespace_name      = string
    resource_group_name = string
    partition_count     = number
    message_retention   = number
    capture_description = optional(object({
      enabled             = bool
      encoding            = string
      interval_in_seconds = optional(number)
      size_limit_in_bytes = optional(number)
      skip_empty_archives = optional(bool)
      destination = object({
        name                = optional(string, "EventHubArchive.AzureBlockBlob")
        archive_name_format = string
        blob_container_name = string
        storage_account_id  = string
    status = optional(string)
    role_assignments = optional(map(object({
      role_definition_id_or_name             = string
      principal_id                           = string
      description                            = optional(string, null)
      skip_service_principal_aad_check       = optional(bool, false)
      condition                              = optional(string, null)
      condition_version                      = optional(string, null)
      delegated_managed_identity_resource_id = optional(string, null)
    })), {})

Default: {}

Description: If supplied, this event hub namespace resource will be used by child resources (e.g. event hubs), instead of creating a new event hub namespace.


    name = string

Default: null

Description: Is SAS authentication enabled for the EventHub Namespace?. Defaults to false.

Type: bool

Default: false

Description: Azure region where the resource should be deployed. If null, the location will be inferred from the resource group location.

Type: string

Default: null

Description: The lock level to apply. Default is None. Possible values are None, CanNotDelete, and ReadOnly.


    name = optional(string, null)
    kind = optional(string, "None")

Default: {}

Description: Managed identities to be created for the resource.


    system_assigned            = optional(bool, false)
    user_assigned_resource_ids = optional(set(string), [])

Default: {}

Description: Specifies the maximum number of throughput units when Auto Inflate is Enabled. Valid values range from 1 - 20.

Type: number

Default: null

Description: The network rule set configuration for the resource.
Requires Premium SKU.

  • default_action - (Optional) The default action when no rule matches. Possible values are Allow and Deny. Defaults to Deny.
  • ip_rule - (Optional) A list of IP rules in CIDR format. Defaults to [].
    • action - Only "Allow" is permitted
    • ip_mask - The CIDR block from which requests will match the rule.
  • virtual_network_rule - (Optional) When using with Service Endpoints, a list of subnet IDs to associate with the resource. Defaults to [].
    • ignore_missing_virtual_network_service_endpoint - Are missing virtual network service endpoints ignored?
    • subnet_id - The subnet id from which requests will match the rule.


    default_action                 = optional(string, "Deny")
    public_network_access_enabled  = bool
    trusted_service_access_enabled = bool
    ip_rule = optional(list(object({
      # since the `action` property only permits `Allow`, this is hard-coded.
      action  = optional(string, "Allow")
      ip_mask = string
    })), [])
    virtual_network_rule = optional(list(object({
      # since the `action` property only permits `Allow`, this is hard-coded.
      ignore_missing_virtual_network_service_endpoint = optional(bool)
      subnet_id                                       = string
    })), [])

Default: null

Description: A map of private endpoints to create on this resource. The map key is deliberately arbitrary to avoid issues where map keys maybe unknown at plan time.

  • name - (Optional) The name of the private endpoint. One will be generated if not set.
  • role_assignments - (Optional) A map of role assignments to create on the private endpoint. The map key is deliberately arbitrary to avoid issues where map keys maybe unknown at plan time. See var.role_assignments for more information.
  • lock - (Optional) The lock level to apply to the private endpoint. Default is None. Possible values are None, CanNotDelete, and ReadOnly.
  • tags - (Optional) A mapping of tags to assign to the private endpoint.
  • subnet_resource_id - The resource ID of the subnet to deploy the private endpoint in.
  • private_dns_zone_group_name - (Optional) The name of the private DNS zone group. One will be generated if not set.
  • private_dns_zone_resource_ids - (Optional) A set of resource IDs of private DNS zones to associate with the private endpoint. If not set, no zone groups will be created and the private endpoint will not be associated with any private DNS zones. DNS records must be managed external to this module.
  • application_security_group_resource_ids - (Optional) A map of resource IDs of application security groups to associate with the private endpoint. The map key is deliberately arbitrary to avoid issues where map keys maybe unknown at plan time.
  • private_service_connection_name - (Optional) The name of the private service connection. One will be generated if not set.
  • network_interface_name - (Optional) The name of the network interface. One will be generated if not set.
  • location - (Optional) The Azure location where the resources will be deployed. Defaults to the location of the resource group.
  • resource_group_name - (Optional) The resource group where the resources will be deployed. Defaults to the resource group of this resource.
  • ip_configurations - (Optional) A map of IP configurations to create on the private endpoint. If not specified the platform will create one. The map key is deliberately arbitrary to avoid issues where map keys maybe unknown at plan time.
    • name - The name of the IP configuration.
    • private_ip_address - The private IP address of the IP configuration.


    name = optional(string, null)
    role_assignments = optional(map(object({
      role_definition_id_or_name             = string
      principal_id                           = string
      description                            = optional(string, null)
      skip_service_principal_aad_check       = optional(bool, false)
      condition                              = optional(string, null)
      condition_version                      = optional(string, null)
      delegated_managed_identity_resource_id = optional(string, null)
    })), {})
    lock = optional(object({
      name = optional(string, null)
      kind = optional(string, "None")
    }), {})
    tags                                    = optional(map(any), null)
    subnet_resource_id                      = string
    private_dns_zone_group_name             = optional(string, "default")
    private_dns_zone_resource_ids           = optional(set(string), [])
    application_security_group_associations = optional(map(string), {})
    private_service_connection_name         = optional(string, null)
    network_interface_name                  = optional(string, null)
    location                                = optional(string, null)
    resource_group_name                     = optional(string, null)
    ip_configurations = optional(map(object({
      name               = string
      private_ip_address = string
    })), {})

Default: {}

Description: Is public network access enabled for the EventHub Namespace? Defaults to false.

Type: bool

Default: false

Description: A map of role assignments to create on this resource. The map key is deliberately arbitrary to avoid issues where map keys maybe unknown at plan time.

  • role_definition_id_or_name - The ID or name of the role definition to assign to the principal.
  • principal_id - The ID of the principal to assign the role to.
  • description - The description of the role assignment.
  • skip_service_principal_aad_check - If set to true, skips the Azure Active Directory check for the service principal in the tenant. Defaults to false.
  • condition - The condition which will be used to scope the role assignment.
  • condition_version - The version of the condition syntax. Valid values are '2.0'.

Note: only set skip_service_principal_aad_check to true if you are assigning a role to a service principal.


    role_definition_id_or_name             = string
    principal_id                           = string
    description                            = optional(string, null)
    skip_service_principal_aad_check       = optional(bool, false)
    condition                              = optional(string, null)
    condition_version                      = optional(string, null)
    delegated_managed_identity_resource_id = optional(string, null)

Default: {}

Description: Defines which tier to use for the Event Hub Namespace. Valid options are Basic, Standard, and Premium.

Type: string

Default: "Standard"

Description: The map of tags to be applied to the resource

Type: map(any)

Default: {}

Description: Specifies if the EventHub Namespace should be Zone Redundant (created across Availability Zones). Changing this forces a new resource to be created. Defaults to true.

Type: bool

Default: true


The following outputs are exported:

Description: A map of private endpoints. The map key is the supplied input to var.private_endpoints. The map value is the entire azurerm_private_endpoint resource.

Description: This is the full output for the resource.

Description: A map of event hubs. The map key is the supplied input to var.event_hubs. The map value is the entire azurerm_event_hubs resource.


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Data Collection

The software may collect information about you and your use of the software and send it to Microsoft. Microsoft may use this information to provide services and improve our products and services. You may turn off the telemetry as described in the repository. There are also some features in the software that may enable you and Microsoft to collect data from users of your applications. If you use these features, you must comply with applicable law, including providing appropriate notices to users of your applications together with a copy of Microsoft’s privacy statement. Our privacy statement is located at You can learn more about data collection and use in the help documentation and our privacy statement. Your use of the software operates as your consent to these practices.


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