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Releases: Azure-Samples/azure-search-openai-demo

2024-06-05: Conform app to new AI Chat Protocol

05 Jun 18:25
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The big change in the latest release is that the app now confirms to the official Microsoft AI Chat Protocol, documented here:
There is also a JS SDK for that protocol that we will adopt soon to simplify our frontend parsing code.
You can see the pull request for more details, but basically:

  • Instead of sending "stream": True to get a streaming response, we send to a different path, "/chat/stream".
  • Instead of passing down the full choices list from the OpenAI response, we pass down only the first choice, specifically it's message or delta.

We have also updated the evaluator tool to work with either the new version of the backend protocol or the old, configurable via JMESPath expressions in the config JSON.

This change also includes a revamp of the Developer Settings to include tooltips, to try and make it more clear what each setting does.

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Full Changelog: 2024-06-03b...2024-06-05

2024-06-03b: Speech output with browser

03 Jun 22:11
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You can now optionally enable speech output using the Browser SDKs, as opposed to using the Azure Speech SDK. The speech output is generally not as fluid, but it's entirely free, so it's a great zero-cost option to increase accessibility. See docs at:

We've also added documentation about a Python-based load balancer for OpenAI instances. See:

 ## What's Changed

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Full Changelog: 2024-06-03...2024-06-03b

2024-06-03: GPT-4O support for optional vision feature

03 Jun 16:37
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The optional vision feature now uses GPT-4O instead of GPT4-turbo-with-vision, due to much better performance.

Unfortunately, due to the difference in region availability, it may be difficult to switch to GPT-4O in your existing resource groups, depending on what region you originally picked. You may need to change the region for the OpenAI resource group in .azure/ENV-NAME/config.json, delete the previous OpenAI instance, and deploy a whole new OpenAI instance.

We did discover one vision-related splitting issue while debugging this change.

See pull request for performance statistics and more details on the change.

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Full Changelog: 2024-05-29...2024-06-03

2024-05-29: Speech Input/Output

30 May 00:17
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The big feature in this release is the option to add speech input (via the browser) and speech output (via Azure speech SDK). See how to enable the new features in the guide here:

This release also includes some updates for the chat-with-vision approach.

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Full Changelog: 2024-05-28...2024-05-29

2024-05-28: Security improvements for Document Intelligence, Free Search Tier

28 May 17:48
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The most notable changes in this release relate to security:

  • Disablement of API key based access for Azure Document Intelligence. Our repository does not use keys to authenticate to the DI service, only managed identity, so keys should not be needed. If you use the same Document Intelligence instance for other projects and need key-based access for it, then you should set "disableLocalAuth: false" in the Bicep.
  • Removal of search keys for free tier of search service. I originally mistakenly thought that the free tier of search service did not support managed identity, but it's actually the case that it doesn't support outbound managed identity, relevant if you're using indexers or skills with it. It does support inbound managed identity, so we removed the key and key vault for that feature. This won't affect most developers, since the default deployment uses the standard tier.

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Full Changelog: 2024-05-15B...2024-05-28

2024-05-15B: Deploying with private access

15 May 22:16
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We've now made it possible for you to deploy this app with public access disabled, using Azure private endpoints and private DNS Zones. For more details, read the private deployment guide.

As always, please report any issues you encounter when trying this new feature.

What's Changed

  • Optional deployment of Private Networks, Private Endpoints plus optional configuration of an ACL rule for all backend services by @tonybaloney in #864

Full Changelog: 2024-05-15...2024-05-15B

2024-05-15: Authentication improvements for public documents

15 May 16:57
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This release adds new environment variables for more flexibility when using user authentication and user access control. Here is the updated section of the documentation about authentication section:

  1. (Optional) To require access control when using the app, run azd env set AZURE_ENFORCE_ACCESS_CONTROL true. Authentication is always required to search on documents with access control assigned, regardless of if unauthenticated access is enabled or not.
  2. (Optional) To allow authenticated users to search on documents that have no access controls assigned, even when access control is required, run azd env set AZURE_ENABLE_GLOBAL_DOCUMENT_ACCESS true.
  3. (Optional) To allow unauthenticated users to use the app, even when access control is enforced, run azd env set AZURE_ENABLE_UNAUTHENTICATED_ACCESS true. AZURE_ENABLE_GLOBAL_DOCUMENT_ACCESS should also be set to true if you want unauthenticated users to be able to search on documents with no access control.

See the full steps here:

Please file issues if you see any problems with the new capabilities.

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Full Changelog: 2024-04-25...2024-05-15

2024-04-25: Bugfixes for free sku, ADLS2, storageUrl

25 Apr 23:18
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Today's release includes a variety of bugfixes:

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Full Changelog: 2024-04-19...2024-04-25

2024-04-19: Improved security for user-uploaded documents

19 Apr 14:00
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This release improves the security of the optional user upload mechanism by adding a storageUrl field to disambiguate between user-uploaded files and admin-uploaded files with the same name. Now when running, you must specify the full storageUrl whose ACLs require updating.
If you have an existing search index from before this release, please follow steps in README to add the new storageUrl field and backfill it to existing chunks in the index:

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Full Changelog: 2024-04-10...2024-04-19

2024-04-10: Graph SDK for auth setup

11 Apr 00:25
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We are now using msgraph-sdk instead of direct HTTP calls for our scripts that setup Entra application registrations. There should be no functional difference after the change.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 2024-03-09...2024-03-10