This is an experimental Node.js app to interact with the Primadonna Elite (ECAM65075MS) coffee smart machines (and probably other ECAM models), using the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) protocol.
I own a Primadonna Elite (ECAM 650.75.MS) and I created this app for my personal use. The code shared in this project is for educational purposes only.
The code is provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall I (Wassim Chegham) or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the code or the use or other dealings in the code.
You will need:
- Node v15 and npm
- the git command line
- Code editor and a terminal
- Make sure your computer has a Bluetooth adapter that supports BLE.
git clone
cd node-ecam-coffee
npm install
npm start
For the time being, you can just edit the index.ts file. We will provide a cleaner public API in the future.
import { App } from "./classes";
(async function () {
let app = new App();
await app.sendCommand(["0d 08 83 f0 02 02 06 c4 b1"]);
> NOTE: you will need to rebuild your code (`npm start`) every time you change a file under [src](src/) folder.
This project is still under development. Most of the work is being invested in understanding the communication protocol and decoding the packets coming from the machine (see src/decoder.ts).
Beverage | Trigger Command | Stop Command |
Coffee | 0d 0f 83 f0 02 01 01 00 67 02 02 00 00 06 77 ff |
0d 08 83 f0 02 02 06 c4 b1 |
Doppio+ | 0d 0d 83 f0 05 01 01 00 78 00 00 06 c4 7e |
0d 08 83 f0 05 02 06 41 21 |
Steam | 0d 0d 83 f0 11 01 09 03 84 1c 01 06 c0 7b |
0d 08 83 f0 11 02 06 de 82 |
Hot Water | 0d 0d 83 f0 10 01 0f 00 fa 1c 01 06 04 b4 |
0d 08 83 f0 10 02 06 e9 b2 |
x2 Espresso | 0d 0f 83 f0 04 01 01 00 28 02 02 00 00 06 ab 53 |
0d 08 83 f0 04 02 06 76 11 |
Americano | 0d 12 83 f0 06 01 01 00 28 02 03 0f 00 6e 00 00 06 47 8b |
0d 08 83 f0 06 02 06 18 71 |
Coffee Long | 0d 0f 83 f0 03 01 01 00 a0 02 03 00 00 06 18 7f |
0d 08 83 f0 03 02 06 f3 81 |
Espresso x1 (Aroma=3 Temperature=2 Qty=40) | 0d 11 83 f0 01 01 01 00 28 02 03 08 00 00 00 06 8f fc |
0d 08 83 f0 01 02 06 9d e1 |
Setting | Trigger Command |
Turn on | 0d 07 84 0f 02 01 55 12 |
Cup Light On | 0d 0b 90 0f 00 3f 00 00 00 99 39 22 |
Cup Light Off | 0d 0b 90 0f 00 3f 00 00 00 91 b8 2a |
Cup Warmer On | 0d 0b 90 0f 00 3f 00 00 00 b1 9c 48 |
Cup Warmer Off | 0d 0b 90 0f 00 3f 00 00 00 91 b8 2a |
Energy Saving On | 0d 0b 90 0f 00 3f 00 00 00 91 b8 2a |
Energy Saving Off | 0d 0b 90 0f 00 3f 00 00 00 81 aa 1b |
Beep Sound On | 0d 0b 90 0f 00 3f 00 00 00 91 b8 2a |
Beep Sound Off | 0d 0b 90 0f 00 3f 00 00 00 95 f8 ae |
Show Time | 0d 08 95 0f 00 5f 03 00 eb |
Water Hardness 1 | 0d 0b 90 0f 00 32 00 00 00 00 0a c8 |
Water Hardness 2 | 0d 0b 90 0f 00 32 00 00 00 02 2a 8a |
Water Hardness 3 | 0d 0b 90 0f 00 32 00 00 00 02 2a 8a |
Water Hardness 4 | 0d 0b 90 0f 00 32 00 00 00 03 3a ab |
Beverage Statistics | TODO |
Profiles | TODO |
"My" Custom Beverage settings | TODO |
Monitor data | WIP |
Decoding machine responses | WIP |
Download Docker Desktop for Mac or Windows. Docker Compose will be automatically installed. On Linux, make sure you have the latest version of Compose.
Download Run in this directory:
git clone
cd node-ecam-coffee
docker-compose up -d
The app will be running at http://localhost:8080, and the results will be at http://localhost:8080.
00 01 N n-1 n
| 0d | request packet size (n) | data | checksum byte | checksum byte |
00 01 N n-1 n
| d0 | request packet size (n) | data | checksum byte | checksum byte |
let deviser = 0x1d0f;
for (let byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < bytes.length - 2; byteIndex++) {
let i3 =
(((deviser << 8) | (deviser >>> 8)) & 0x0000ffff) ^
(bytes[byteIndex] & 0xffff);
let i4 = i3 ^ ((i3 & 0xff) >> 4);
let i5 = i4 ^ ((i4 << 12) & 0x0000ffff);
deviser = i5 ^ (((i5 & 0xff) << 5) & 0x0000ffff);
checksum = deviser & 0x0000ffff;
Example: bytes=[0d 05 75 0f da 25]
- for all bytes except the last 2 bytes:
0d 05 75 0f
- let i3 = (((i << 8) | (i >>> 8)) & 0x0000ffff) ^ (bytes[0] & 0xffff);
- 0x1d0f << 8 = 0x1d0f00 (1904384)
- 0x1d0f >>> 8 = 0x1d (29)
- (0x1d0f00 | 0x1d) = 0x1d0f1d (1904413)
- (0x1d0f1d & 0x0000ffff) = 0xf1d (3869)
- (0xd0 & 0xffff) = 0xd0 (-48)
- 0xf1d ^ 0xd0 = 0xfcd (4045)
- let i4 = i3 ^ ((i3 & 0xff) >> 4);
- 0xfcd & 0xff = 0xcd
- 0xcd >> 4 = 0xc
- 0xfcd ^ 0xc = 0xfc1
- let i5 = i4 ^ ((i4 << 12) & 0x0000ffff);
- 0xfc1 << 12 = 0xfc1000
- 0xfc1000 & 0x0000ffff = 0x1000
- 0xfc1 ^ 0x1000 = 0x1fc1
- i = i5 ^ (((i5 & 0xff) << 5) & 0x0000ffff);
- 0x1fc1 & 0xff = 0xc1
- 0xc1 << 5 = 0x1820
- 0x1820 & 0x0000ffff = 0x1820
- 0x1fc1 ^ 0x1820 = 0x7e1
- let i3 = (((i << 8) | (i >>> 8)) & 0x0000ffff) ^ (bytes[0] & 0xffff);
00 01 02 03 04 05
| 0d | 05 | 75 | 0f | da | 25 |
00= Request magic byte
01= Request packet size
02= Monitoring data type (T0=0x70, T1=0x75, T2=0x75)
03= 0x0f (??)
04= Checksum byte
05= Checksum byte
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
| d0 | 12 | 75 | 0f | 01 | 01 | 00 | 08 | 00 | 00 | 02 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 00 | 7d | 05 |
00= Response magic byte
01= Response packet size
02= Operation ID
03= ??
04= Accessory Present (00: no accessory, 01: water spout, 02: milk spout, 03: chocolate spout, 04: milk clean dial)
05= ??
06= ??
07= ??
08= ??
09= ??
10= Machine Model Id
11= Dispensing Percentage
12= ??
13= ??
14= ??
15= Main Board Software Release
16= ??
17= Checksum byte
18= Checksum byte
Decoder - InStandBy = false
Decoder - TurningOn = false
Decoder - ReadyToWork = false
Decoder - ShuttingDown = false
Decoder - ShutDown = false
Decoder -------------------------
Decoder - AccessoryPresent = 1
Decoder - ActiveAlarms = 2,11
Decoder - BeverageType = undefined
Decoder - CoffeeInfuserPos = 0
Decoder - CoffeePowderQty = -1
Decoder - CoffeeWasteCounter = undefined
Decoder - DispensingPercentage = 0
Decoder - FunctionOngoing = 4
Decoder - HeaterTemp = undefined
Decoder - MachineModelId = -1
Decoder - MainBoardSwRelease = 0
Decoder - OnLoads =
Decoder - OnSwitches = 0,2
Decoder - OnSwitchesToShowUser =
Decoder - PressedKeys =
Decoder - RequestedWaterQty = -1
Decoder - SteamerTemp = undefined
Decoder - Timestamp = undefined
Decoder - Type = 2
Decoder - Value = [d0 12 75 0f 01 05 00 04 08 04 09 00 00 00 00 00 00 fa 12] (19)
Decoder - WaterFlowQty = 4608
If you get the following error:
hci onSocketError: EPERM, Operation not permitted
noble warning: adapter state unauthorized, please run as root or with sudo
or see README for information on running without root/sudo:
You need to apply the following command:
sudo setcap cap_net_raw+eip $(eval readlink -f `which node`)
More info here: