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Daniel Mason edited this page Sep 4, 2015 · 11 revisions


  1. What is Aye Aye Api?
  2. How can Aye Aye help you?
  3. What can't Aye Aye do?

What is Aye Aye Api?

Aye Aye Api is a micro framework for building RESTful API's in PHP.

It's designed around the core idea that it should be as simple to use as possible, both for developers and for consumers.

Easy for Developers

Aye Aye implementations are primarily built of Controller classes exposing Endpoint methods. Endpoints as methods specify the parameters they need, and return the result. As a developer, you do not need to worry about where the parameters come from, nor do you need to be concerned with how the data is returned to the consumer. All you need to think about is what data you're giving the end user, and what data they need to give you to do that.

Easy for consumers

Aye Aye documents your API for you. It breaks down your comments into a summary, a larger description, a return type and a set of parameters. This allows consumers to easily navigate the api and find out how it works. Additionally by abstracting the formatting, the consumer can choose in what format they want to consume your Api. By default, Aye Aye will allow you to choose between XML and JSON.

How can Aye Aye help you?

Accelerated development

By taking care of routing, parameter fetching, formatting and publicly documenting, Aye Aye leaves the developer free to build the core functionality of the API without worrying about the intricacies around it.

Simplified maintenance

Everything is broken down and separated into small classes and small methods, each having a single responsibility. This makes debugging and analysis very simple. Problems can be easily identified and resolved.


Almost every aspect of Aye Aye can be easily replaced. Don't like the available Formatters? Replace them. Want a different router? Replace it. The main Api class allows you to replace most things easily.

What can't Aye Aye do?


Making things simple comes with a small cost in speed. Aye Aye is not designed to be the fastest API in the world, it's goal is to be the easiest. If number of requests per second is more important that developer time, this is probably not the API to use.


Currently Aye Aye does not support web sockets.