By default javascript for loops are synchronous. There can be a scenario where you will like to perform asynchronous task on a piece of data and that will require a hack to achieve with for loops.
This package adds a asyncForEach
prototype on the Array object and makes it easier to just use async task with a for loop.
npm i asyncforeach-prototype
yarn add asyncforeach-prototype
Define your async function that execute for each item in the array and
import "asyncforeach-prototype"; // esbuilt
require('asyncforeach-prototype'); // commonjs
const assets = ["USDT", "BNB", "USDT", "ETH", "BTC", "ADA"];
async function loop(asset) {
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, Math.random() * 1000));
This is the implementation of the prototype function
* Adds an asynchronous prototype method to an Array object.
* @param {Function} required The function to perform on each item in the array.
* The function can accept any number of parameters.
* When the callback is invoked, it passes all the params as passed with additional of two params [index, array].
* @var index is the index of the item in the array.
* @var array is the array the method is being called on.
module.exports = Array.prototype.asyncForEach = async function (callback, ...params) {
for (let index = 0; index < this.length -1; index++) {
await callback(this[index], ...params, index, this);