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‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎___________________bat run___________________


BAT is a tool to help everyone to securing their web-servers.

Until now BAT checks the website headers and recommends how to make it better.



bat run

BAT has subcommands: list and scan.

$ ./ -h
usage: [-h] {list,l,scan,s} ...

BAT - Protect Your Server

positional arguments:
  {list,l,scan,s}  sub-command help
    list (l)       show a list of available headers in bat catalog (that can
                   be used in scan subcommand -H option)
    scan (s)       scan url to hardening headers

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit

List Subcommand

The list subcommand lists all headers cataloged in BAT and can show informations about it as a description, links for more information and for how to's.

$ ./ list -h
usage: list [-h] [-p PRINT [PRINT ...]] [-B]
                   [-a | -H HEADERS [HEADERS ...]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p PRINT [PRINT ...], --print PRINT [PRINT ...]
                        a list of additional information about the headers to
                        print. For now there are two options: description and
                        refs (you can use either or both)
  -B, --no-banner       don't print the bat banner
  -a, --all             list all available headers [default]
  -H HEADERS [HEADERS ...], --headers HEADERS [HEADERS ...]
                        a list of headers to look for in the bat catalog

Scan Subcommand

The scan subcommand perform a scan in a website looking for their headers.

$ ./ scan -h
usage: scan [-h] [-v] [-a] [-g] [-b] [-H HEADERS [HEADERS ...]]
                   [-p PRINT [PRINT ...]]
                   [-i IGNORE_HEADERS [IGNORE_HEADERS ...]] [-B] [-E] [-n]
                   [-u USER_AGENT] [-r | -s]

positional arguments:
  url                   url to look for

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         increase output verbosity: -v print response headers,
                        -vv print response and request headers
  -a, --all             scan all cataloged headers [default]
  -g, --good            scan good headers only
  -b, --bad             scan bad headers only
  -H HEADERS [HEADERS ...], --headers HEADERS [HEADERS ...]
                        scan only these headers (see available in list sub-
  -p PRINT [PRINT ...], --print PRINT [PRINT ...]
                        a list of additional information about the headers to
                        print. For now there are two options: description and
                        refs (you can use either or both)
                        a list of headers to ignore in the results
  -B, --no-banner       don't print the bat banner
  -E, --no-explanation  don't print the bat output explanation
  -o {normal,csv,json}, --output {normal,csv,json}
                        choose which output format to use (available: normal,
                        csv, json)
  -n, --no-redirect     don't follow http redirects
  -u USER_AGENT, --user-agent USER_AGENT
                        set user agent to scan request
  -k, --insecure        don't verify SSL certificate as valid
  -r, --recommendation  output only recommendations [default]
  -s, --status          output actual status (eg: existent headers only)


For now the output is only in normal mode. Understant it as follows:

  • [+] Green Headers are good headers that is already used in your website. It's shown when use -s flag.
  • [+] Blue Headers are good headers that is not applied on your website. We recommend apply them.
  • [-] Magenta Headers are bad headers that open a breach on your website or maybe show a lots of information. We recommend fix it.


bat example

  • Server header would be good to be removed
  • Cookie over SSL/TLS would be good to be removed
  • Cookie not only from SameSite would be good to be removed


List BAT catalog

bat catalog

Scan from file

bat against my website

Scan url

bat against hackme

Scan verbose

bat against my website in verbose mode

Headers information

bat against my website and print headers information


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