Python programming language PDM - python package manager with PEP 582 support How to create Python package in 2022 SeqLogic - Sequential Logic, SeqiLog (pronounced seh-kwi-log), a Python library for logic design and verification.
RAE - for python packaging, distribution No-GIL Python
Sys.Monitoring - Execution event monitoring pyenv - switching between versions
Top libraries of 2021 Top libraries of 2020 Top 10 libraries of 2019
Self-assesment of Expertise level
WAT - inspection tool of objects, a fancy version of ice cream
tmwuc - tell me whatyou see
Python job scheduling - sched library
Yapsl - Python SMS library
Natto - spatial environment for Python
How virtual environments work identify unused dependences to avoid bloated envs container types
Reloadium - adds hot reloading also called "edit and continue" functionality to any Python application
RYE - project management for PYthon
compile to another version ➜ py-backwards -i -o -t 2.7
Codon - Python-like compiler using LLVM: MIT paper
C compiler in 500 lines of Python
Shed Skin - restricted-Python-to-C++ compiler 0.9.6
Red Mail - Advanced Email Sender
WakaQ - Distributed task queue
Junja2 - a template engine; 2.1
speeding Python with Lua making python fast with mypyc
mypy - optional static type checker for Python
Ruff - new static type checker
Py5 - py5 is a new version of Processing for Python 3.9+
Modern Python Performance Considerations
Python variables, references and mutability
30 days of Python - programming xhallenge
Overlooked core functionalities
Introduction to Linear Programming in Python
On Python's type hints - type hints
Koda - a collection of practical type-safe tools for Python.
The Algorithm Library A new PDF library pdf to csv
- Pyscript
- Codebrew
- Bryton
- Gradio - creates a web demo that runs in the browser using only python
- Gradio App - create beautiful user interfaces around your machine learning models
- PyPy.js - code - JIT compiler for Python that runs in the browser
Snakemake workflow management system - is a tool to create reproducible and scalable data analyses
The Big Book of small python projects
Practical python programming courses
From Python to Numpy - by Nicolas P. Rougier * v1.24.0 How to share NumPy array between processes KlongPy - high performance array programming Xarray - N-D labeled arrays and datasets
JNumPy: - high-performance C extensions Numpy 2.0 Numpy Practical Examples C-style for loops
Setting up Python for ML on Windows
Machine Learning Tutorial Data-centric introduction to computing Logica - language for data manipulation
FVSL - Fast vector similarity using Rust and Python
RustPython - Python Interpreter Written in Rust
Interactive Python course The Python tutorial
A Simple Guide to creating Predictive Models
IDOM - declarative Python package for building highly interactive user interfaces
Python IDM - Internet Download manager
Tools for making python packages
Python style hints /introduced in Python 3.5
Python libraries for NLP:
Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK):
Gensim - for similarity analysis; topic modeling
txtai - All-in-one open-source embeddings database for semantic search, LLM orchestration and language model workflows
Ctrol-F for Video - useful for videos YouTube doesn't have captions for
PyCantonese: Cantonese Linguistics
NLP library moved to Stanza Core NLP + Bran - relation extraction based purely on attention
UM1 - Understanding Machine One - a cloud based REST service that provides Natural Language Understanding (NLU) as a Service (UaaS).
Diagrams - draw the cloud system architecture in Python code
Robyn - fast, extensible async Python web server with a Rust runtime
FLASK - for web development
FASTAPI - modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python 3.7+ based on standard Python type hints
web2pdf - CLI to convert webpages to PDFs
Analyzing Hacker News with Six Language Understanding Methods
Word2Vec online' [demo](Demo at
TextAPI with (twitter example)[]
Survival analysis + Kaplan-Maier Estimate (non-parametric) + Cox Proportional Hazard Model (Semi-parametric) + Accelerated Failure Time Model (Parametric)
Lifelines library
Free for Developers + Atlas toolkit - Lightweight library to develop single-page web applications that are instantly accessible. Available for Java, Node.js, Perl, Python and Ruby.
- Colaboratory — Free web-based Python notebook environment with Nvidia Tesla K80 GPU.
- NVIDIA warp - Python framework for writing high-performance simulation and graphics code
- Datapane
Algebraic Number Theory package
The Python scientific stack, compiled to WebAssembly ; see demo
Handling optional imports - Kludge of the year
Coding habits for data scientists
Docstrings better than comments
Faster Calculations with Numba
Pyodide: Python for the browser
PyFlow - visual scripting framework
Pyodide, Python in a web browser
Whereami - Uses WiFi & ML to predict where you are
Build a Reactive Data Streaming App with Python and Apache Kafka - Subscribe to alert without alert API
Overpass - host your own live streaming server
pyGeno for precision medicine -- github
Library for quantitative finance
Toolkit for quantitative finance
make a self contained executable for windows
spaCy for Text Analytics
Python Turtle for code reuse
Pylance Folders - python implementation
nb2md: conversion of Jupyter and Zeppelin notebooks to Jupyter or Markdown formats
Textualize - a framework for building Text User Interface applications
Turn any Jupyter cell into a shareable web-hosted Python script
Jupyterlite - rowser-based interactive computing
jupyter notebook --generate-config
notepad C:\Users[user-name].jupyter\
c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir ='C:/the/path/to/home/folder/' # to change directory c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir = 'C:\username\folder_that_you_whant' # for windows
Go to your Jupyter Notebook link and right click it. Select properties. Go to the Shortcut menu and click Target. Look for %USERPROFILE%. Delete it. Save. Restart Jupyter. C:\xxx\ C:xxx\envs\E1 C:\xxx\python.exe C:\xxx\ "%USERPROFILE%/"
#c.NotebookApp.token = 'nonempty-string' # remove generated if "'_xsrf' argument missing from POST
c.NotebookApp.disable_check_xsrf = True
- Remote GUI for Python
- Built-ins
- Kivy
- libavg
- Pyqt
- PySimpleGUI; examples
- pyforms
- pypi
- TkInter
- Wxpython
- SMS with
- Commit to github via e-mail
New Pandas - 1.00 - January 29, 2020
Is Python the world's most popular language?
pass a URL in place of a file name dfs = pd.read_html(url)
date ranges date_range = pd.date_range(date_from, date_to, freq="D")
if you set indicator
parameter of merge() to True pandas adds a column that tells you which dataset the row came from merge with approximate match - the tolerance parameter of merge_asof()
pd.merge_asof(trades, quotes, on="timestamp", by='ticker', tolerance=pd.Timedelta('10ms'), direction='backward')
Merge with indicator is also useful for doing anti-joins:
left.merge(right, how="left", indicator=True, ...)
[lambda df: df._merge == "left_only"]
Use gzip with when saving to csv
Create an Excel report and add some charts
API Documentation for Python Projects Rest API, FTP, TCP, etc. Choosing the one according to your data requirements and speed would be wise.
- standard Rest API helps to obtain data in real-time + + + + Open-Meteo - free weather forecast APIs + Open Weather + Realtime weather API + Hacker-News API
- With TCP, there’s no need to request for fetching the data
- With FTP - older tech
Regex: Examples of regular expressions for matching patterns
Graph: A*, B*, Breadth-first, D*, Depth-first, Dijkstra's,..
Example of a graph with six nodes A-F and eight edges represented by Python dictionary:
graph = {'A': ['B', 'C'],
'B': ['C', 'D'],
'C': ['D'],
'D': ['C'],
'E': ['F'],
'F': ['C']}
SURD - Synergistic-Unique-Redundant Decomposition of causality
Amazon's Machine Learning University (MLU)
CoCalc created by the SageMath developers
Gradient-Free-Optimizers - a collection of easy to use optimization techniques
Web: Beautiful Soup is a Python library for pulling data out of HTML and XML files.
easy_install beautifulsoup4
or better keep it in virtualenv: sudo easy_install virtualenv pip install BeautifulSoup4
Semantic eBook search]( - with openAI
- The Farm: Requests
- The Stew: Beautiful Soup 4
- The Salad: lxml
- The Restaurant: Selenium
- The Chef: Scrapy
- Scyscraper
You-Get - dumb downloader that scapes the web
Pytudes - Norvig's practice programs
MUD Pi - A simple text-based Multi-User Dungeon (MUD) game, which could be run on a Raspberry Pi or other low-end server
DOOM-style-Game - open-source tool to visualize Git commands directly in your own repo
Coconut, a functional programming language that compiles to Python
Taichi - Python-based parallel programming
Pyper - concurrent and parallel data-processing
Codecrafters - Practice Writing Complex Software
Fluent Python - Luciano Ramalho's book
( - PDNN: A Python Toolkit for Deep Learning
Numerical Python, fast and sophisticated arrays - python 2.7
Pythonic Data Structures and Algorithms
git clone git:// numpy - python 2D plotting library
If you get an ImportError: No module named matplotlib
set your PYTHONPATH, eg: export PYTHONPATH=/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH
git clone git:// scipy
PyAudio provides Python bindings for PortAudio, the cross-platform audio I/O library
to play and record audio on a variety of platforms.
funct array - a better python list
Simple way to access google api for speech recognition with python pip install pygsr
WhisperSpeech - an Open Source text-to-speech system built by inverting Whisper. Previously known as spear-tts-pytorch.
A grammar of graphics for python
Knowledge extraction from unstructured texts
wrapper providing R's ggplot2 syntax
Brancher, A user-centered Python package for differentiable probabilistic inference
the Hitchhikers Guide to Python
A Hitchhikers Guide to Asynchronous Programming
Sherlock - Find usernames across social networks
Maigret - Find information by username from thousands of sites
Microdot - a web framework for microcontrollers
symforce - fast symbolic computations
ActivityWatch - open source time tracker
PyInfra - automate infrastructure
PySheets - spreadsheet UI
Chatistics - convert chat logs into Panda DataFrames
Daft - distributed dataframe
Pylo - python front end to Prolog
Opytimizer - a Nature-Inspired Python Optimizer
DotDict - A simple Python library that builds upon argparse.Namespace to make chained attributes possible.
Mapsy - library designed easily render static maps
Datasette Lite - server-side Python web application running in a browser - try it out here
Flatland - environment for program synthesis experiments
Pyright - static type checker
MyPy - linter on steroids
Keyboard- hardware designed for python only
FindMy,Py - The all-in-one library that provides everything you need to query Apple's FindMy network
- - simple note-raking tool
Pycel - Python extension language using accelerators
Errbot, another slackbot
Mario - python pipelines for your shell
Pyp - python from shell
Semantle - guess the secret word
Semantic Bookmark Manager - A web application for managing bookmarks with semantic search capabilities. . Flask app with minimum JS
urllib3 now works in the browser
PySpread - pythonic spreadsheets
Note - command-line note-taking app
DataProfiler - library designed to make data analysis, monitoring and sensitive data detection easy.
K-Anonymity - anonymization methods for network security
Malicious PyPI packages - security
Zipfly - zip archive generator
Diffoscope - In-depth comparison of files, archives, and directories
Whoogle - google search without ads
Executorch - platform that provides infrastructure to run PyTorch programs everywhere from AR/VR wearables to standard on-device iOS and Android mobile deployment
- Hummingbard built on top of Matrix
PyQT5, Python GUI
Apprise, Push notifications
D-Tale - tool to visualize pandas dataframes
(Slicing, Indexing, Subsetting ataframes)[]
df[~((df.A == 0) & (df.B == 2) & (df.C == 6) & (df.D == 0))]
df[((df.A == 0) & (df.B == 2) & (df.C == 6) & (df.D == 0))]
df.iloc[0:df[df.year == 'y3'].index[0]]
pip install selenium # Downloading Python bindings for Selenium (for windows: C:\Python35\Scripts\pip.exe install selenium)
Place drivers in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin
Cons: Selenium tests are unstable, time to maintain and run, low ROI
Old school: Ranorex, LeanFT, TestComplete, Telerik and Sahi; Fantom.js, Mocha, Jasmine and Protractor; Screenster
Testing with Cucumber and Capybara
Pytest for data scientists S3 testing; blog post
Asmle - Wordle in 512 bytes
A RESTish web API for climate change related data; github
Global average temperaturesdirect link
cold and warm episodes by season
Astroquery - collection of tools to access online Astronomical data
Gnupg - Python library which takes care of the internal details and allows its users to generate and manage keys, encrypt and decrypt data, and sign and verify messages. See also
Pysa: An open source static analysis tool to detect and prevent security issues in Python code
updating 2.7.x on mac (
sudo rm -R /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7
sudo mv /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7 /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions
sudo chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7
sudo rm /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current
sudo ln -s /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7 /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/Current
sudo rm /usr/bin/pydoc
sudo rm /usr/bin/python
sudo rm /usr/bin/pythonw
sudo rm /usr/bin/python-config
sudo ln -s /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/pydoc /usr/bin/pydoc
sudo ln -s /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/python /usr/bin/python
sudo ln -s /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/pythonw /usr/bin/pythonw
sudo ln -s /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/python-config /usr/bin/python-config
sudo easy_install pip // pip install --upgrade pip
sudo easy_install -U numpy
pip install scipy
pip install matplotlib
Free-threaded CPython: [github]( launched)
- [Faster CPython at PyCon](Faster CPython at PyCon
- Notes from PyCon 2022
- Videos from PyCcon 2024