How to include the API with Maven
Note: ColorLib uses external Libraries that requires Shading in order to be used in your Minecraft Plugin, please include the following in your pom.xml
The Main Java method to process a String is ColorLib.setColors("your message here");
To add a Gradient use the tag:
ColorLib.setColors("<GRADIENT:FF0000>This is a Gradient Text</GRADIENT:00FF00>");
To add a Rainbow text use the tag:
ColorLib.setColors("<RAINBOW:1>This is a Rainbow Text</RAINBOW>");
The number after RAINBOW represents the saturation
ColorLib.setColors("<RAINBOW:50>This is a Rainbow Text</RAINBOW>");
To set a simple Solid color use the tag:
ColorLib.setColors("<SOLID:aabbcc>This is a Solid Text");
Note: If your server is running a version before 1.16 the resulting color will be the nearest supported one (This also applies to gradient)
Normal Chat Color Codes works too:
ColorLib.setColors("&5This is a Simple Text");
The API comes with some additional method that you may want to use:
Get a processed text with the addition of inserting all PlaceholderAPI's placeholders refering to a given player:
ColorLib.setColorsAndPlaceholders(Bukkit.getPlayer("Maggiollo"), "<GRADIENT:FF0000>Ciao %player_name%</GRADIENT:0000FF>");
Get a processed text given a YamlConfiguration path:
ColorLib.getColoredStringFromConfig((YamlConfiguration) plugin.getConfig(), "messages.example");
this will format the following text:
example: "<SOLID:00aaff>This is an Example"
Get a processed text given a YamlConfiguration path and insert all PlaceholderAPI's placeholders refering to a given player:
ColorLib.getColoredStringFromConfigWithPlaceholders((YamlConfiguration) plugin.getConfig(), Bukkit.getPlayer("Maggiollo"), "messages.example-papi");
this will format the following text replacing %player_name% with "Maggiollo":
example-papi: "<SOLID:00aa55>Hello %player_name%"
Note: All the method using the "Player" class are also compatible with the "OfflinePlayer" class.
Note: All the methods that use PlaceholderAPI's Placeholders requires PlaceholderAPI to be installed on the server, you can download it from here