A neighbor for the GreatFET One targeting the 315/433/868/915MHz bands. This neighbour is not a design from GreatScottGadgets. So if it does not work, don't blame GSG but me.
The arms of the plant erica remind me a bit to antennas. And that is what Erica shall be about. A neighbor with 4 antennas.
Primary purpose of this neighbor is to provide a possibility to do security research within the 315MHz/433MHz/868MHz/915MHz band. Idea is to have in total 4 CC1101 transceivers available. One tuned for 315MHz band, one tuned for 433MHz band, two for 868MHz/915MHz bands. It should be possible to still receive within the 433MHz band with the transceiver that is tuned for 315MHz. Respectively to receive with the 315MHz tuned transceiver within the 433MHz band. The two transceivers per band are intended for short reaction times between receive and send... ...or disturbing the transmission of the system under analysis while still capturing any data in the air.
This can be useful for analyzing issues in systems that do require but do not care about RF message integrity (example: https://www.syss.de/fileadmin/dokumente/Publikationen/Advisories/SYSS-2019-004.txt)
A first version is under development that is build with pre-build, low cost CC1101 transceivers.
An improved version shall be build without pre-build CC1101 modules - following the TI refernce designs (http://www.ti.com/tool/CC1101EM868-915_REFDES / http://www.ti.com/tool/CC1101EM433_REFDES).
The improved version shall have external antennas to match to frequencies.
The 4 CC1101 shall be accessible via SPI interface To be a friendly neighbor, the SPI shall be selected via I2C (similar to GF-Crocus)
PoC: PCB arrived...
...components arrived and partly assembled. Unfortunately used wrong footprint for the PCF8574A. Further I ordered a chinese copy that is hearing on 0x20 instead of 0x38 (although the A version is described to hear on 0x38)
...basic access to CC1101 SPI interface (controlled by I2C select) working. Especially gating the SPI select with the 1G32 OR gate:
While the 868MHz modules can be accessed as expected, the 433MHz module's SPI interface does not respond. Investigated and found that the pinout is different than the one I had used for schematic design:-) There are similar looking 433MHz modules on the market, that have slightly different pin assignments. Used the one for pcb design and ordered the other.
Anyhow, the 868MHz modules operation gave me enough confidence to order the "improved" version. It might be intersting to repair the PoC pcb (design V0.2), as it is possible to assemble such a board for ~20Euros.
Two assembled boards of the improved version arrived and first tests have been done. Unfortunately one board has a shortcut between MOSI and SCLK. The other board seems to have a missing connection on one of the CC1101s, such that the SPI MOSI line reads only "1"s. Assumption is that the used footprint for the CC1101 is non-optimal (at least it is different from the CC1101 datasheet recommendation).
Anyhow, 3 out of the 4 CC1101 modules are working. A first test was done to configure the CC1101 for the ABUS Secvest burglary alarm system. Receiving packets from a FUBE50014 remote control is reliable working.
After some time with no time for playing around, another PoC arrived. It was assembled and tested. All 4 RF modules are working as expected.
Prepared another PoC that uses solder jumpers instead of normal jumpers and has part references added. Ordered PCB.
PoC V0.4 arrived and first tests look to be promising to be a release candidate.
To see the latency between switching from one CC1101 module to the other, a reactive jamming attack was implemented against a remote control from an ABUS Secvest burglary alarm system. One module was configured to report the RSSI level on the frequency the alarm system is operating. Upon detection of activity, a second CC1101 module is fired with a short radio packet. It is visible, that the reactive jamming attack packet overlays the remote control packet.
Another full-custom design was made, that has 4 layers, a corrected CC1101 footprint, denser RF placements.
The assembled PCBs arrived and all 4 CC1101 are accessible via SPI interface. Receiving and sending tested on one of the interfaces.
You don't know GreatFET One yet? Have a look to: https://greatscottgadgets.com/greatfet/
As there have been some requests, I upload the Kicad files from ~2 years ago. Configuration mangement was weak that time, but I think that are the latest files resulting in the order. THEREFORE, USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! NO WARRANTY THAT THOSE ARE THE LATEST REVISIONS You need to download kicad libraries from gsg and digikey (pathes are given in the Readme.txt files within the zip file).