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Fluffy IDs

Fluffy and fun IDs for humans.

Example: 55-fluffy-mushroom-dancing-happily

The full id form is of: <count>-<adjective>-<noun>-<verb>-<adverb>

Tested to have 99% unique ids out of 10 million generated. Best not to count on it if you need lots of uuid.


Here 10 random ids this lib generated:

  • 67-altruistic-opposition-groaned-mechanically
  • 18-impassive-advertisement-harmed-knowingly
  • 55-succeeding-tavern-bubbled-soon
  • 7-theistic-retention-blinded-annually
  • 9-problem-radiance-hovered-regularly
  • 38-guaranteed-inauguration-zoomed-questioningly
  • 20-filling-allocation-tempted-frenetically
  • 75-monarch-radiance-presented-swiftly
  • 89-sunset-redundancy-treated-enormously
  • 64-mixed-embodiment-sawed-commonly





Via npm:

npm install fluffy-ids


require syntax:

const fluffy = require("fluffy-ids");
id = fluffy.generate();

es6 syntax:

import * as fluffy from "fluffy-ids";
id = fluffy.generate();


on the exported object we have some function to change the inner config of the generator:

  • setMaxCount - set the max number to precede the id (as in 55-fluffy-mushroom-dancing-happily)
  • setSeparator - set the separator between each word. defaults to "-"
  • setMode - defaults to vanilla.
    • fun uses only animals for the noun and only encouraging-words for the adjective (as in 11-stunning-mandrill-killed-eventually).
    • dino produce ids of the form: <prefix>-<dino> (as in rabbi-achillobator).
  • setTemplate - set a custom template for the generator. this function expects an array of string, each string will be transformed to one of the words in this category. the categories is as follow:
    • count - a number from 2 to maxCount (100 by default)
    • noun - a noun from all the nouns in english
    • verb - a verb from all the verbs in english
    • adjective - an adjective from all the adjectives in english
    • adverb - an adverb from all the adverbs in english
    • animal - an animal name from all the common animals
    • dinosaur - a dinosaur name
    • encouraging_word - an encouraging word
    • prefix - a prefix like (e.g. mr, mme, lord, etc...)

Please note that changing the longer the template the more - mathematically speaking - we can generate uniques ids.


This is forked form this repo.

Ariel Benichou <[email protected]>