./testdroid_cmdline.sh OPTIONS
-z The tests-folder which will be archived and sent to Bitbar Cloud (required)
-u Username (required, can also use API-key here)
-p Password (required unless using API-key)
-t Bitbar Cloud project name (required)
-a App build file to test (apk/ipa) (required, also selects platform)
-w Framework id to be used (required, check Bitbar API for available values)
-r Bitbar Cloud test run name
-d Bitbar Cloud deviceGroup ID to use (default: previous one)
-l List Bitbar Cloud deviceGroups
-s Simulate (Upload tests and app and configure project. Don't actually run test)
-c Set scheduler for test, options are [PARALLEL, SERIAL, SINGLE] (default: PARALLEL)
-i Set timeout value for project in seconds. Will use 600s (10min) unless specified.
NOTE: this timeout applies to a **single test run on a device**
-x Set timeout value for bitbar-ssa-client in seconds (no default timeout).
NOTE: this timeout applies to the **entire run of bitbar-ssa-client**,
devices that tests didn't start on within this timeout will be **skipped**
-q Set counter for auto retrying failed test runs on devices. By default failed test run is retried 3 times.
-n Specify a testRunId, client will only fetch those results and exit (numeric id, check test results URL)
-h Show this message
-v Verbose
./testdroid_cmdline.sh -u [email protected] -p hunter2 -t "Example test Project" -r "Nightly run, Monday" -a path/to/build.apk