- GetFreevalInputVolProfile.py: For I-83 TSMO project. Reads TMS station profiles and apply it to ADT
- Plot-TravelTime.py: Plot TT for SB
- VolumeProfile_MassDOT.py: Get the 24 volume profile in % for mainline
- VolumeProfile_MassDOT---Get_15_min_vol.py : Get the mainline 15 min flow rate
- ProcessRampData-MassDOT.py: Get the Ramp volume profile for I-495
- Create_VolProfile_Sheet.py : Get 96 15 min interval flow rate for mainline and ramps
- Radial-Heatmaps.py: Create Radial heatmaps for congestion
- Process_Npmrds_Data.py: Process NPMRDS data
- Freeval_PA_Dat_Process_CleanVersion.py: Script to get LRS
- Clean_Group_FreevalPA_SegmentationData.py: Groupby and clean Freeval-PA data
- CommonFunctions_FreevalPA_Cleaning.py: Dump all functions here
- Freeval_PA_Dat_Process_CleanVersion.py: Messy script. 1st attempt for cleaning data.
- May_20_Running_Sum_StartEnd.py: Get running sum grade data.
- Process-Freeval-PA-Segmentation-NCHRP7-26.py: Script for getting ramp types from PennDOT segmentation database - High false negatives for Lane add, lane drop, major merge and diverge types
- Process-Freeval-NC-Segmentation-NCHRP7-26.py: Copy of above script for processing NC segmentation database. - High false negatives for Lane add, lane drop, major merge and diverge types