Photo of plant
Arduino Nano
Medium Breadboard
Bluetooth Module Master Slave HC-05
Soil Humidity Sensor Module
Water Level Module
2n2222 Transistor (NPN)
Mini Submersible Water Pump 3 (3V-5V)
Wires to connect everything (Jumpers or Rigid)
Arduino IDE installed, can be found here
Making a 3d model of a plant pot that can store water and be able to fit the pump in
A mobile application able to communicate with the HC-05 module (if you have an iPhone you can't do this)
This project aims to automate the watering of plants by constantly reading the humidity of the soil and trying to keep it at a given level by the user. It also introduces a "lazy watering" button so that the user can relax, press a button that activates the pump for 3 seconds watering the plants.
The communication from the phone with the HC-05 module is made with a sort of "state machine".
There are 3 main states:
"Interogation" state, upon recieving the number ( '1' ) or in ascii the number 49 , it sends back a pair "x,y" where x is the soil humidity and y is the water level
"Recieving" state, upon recieving the number ( '2' ) or in ascii the number 50, it awaits another input to set the desired soil moisture percentage ( the pump will be activated every 1 hour if the desired soil moisture isn't reached )
"Activation" state, upon recieving the number ( '3' ) or in ascii the number 51 , it writes to the analog pin hooked up to the pump so that it gets activated for 3 seconds.
Coming soon