Wearable technology project for live-coding choreography.
Dancers wear ESP8266 wifi-enabled microcontrollers that generate MQTT messages when capacitive touch sensors are triggered (sensed via a MPR121). The microcontrollers also listen to MQTT messages to trigger haptic feedback motors.
##Installation and Set Up
- mosquitto (v1.4.5)
- Processing (v3.0.1)
- MQTT for Processing (v1.6.0)
- ControlP5 for Processing (v.2.2.5)
- ESP8266 Support for Arduino IDE (v)
- Adafruit MQTT Library for Arduino (v)
###Setting Up the System
- Plug in the wifi router.
- Connect to the router on the computer hosting the broker (called AWR-7200 for Hacking the Body).
####Setting up the network for the first time
If this is the first time connecting to the router, set up a static IP address for this network. On a Mac, go to Network Preferences.
Create a new interface using Wifi and give it a name then click 'create'.
Click on 'Advanced...' and then the 'TCP/IP' tab. Select 'Using DHCP with manual address' from the 'Configure IPv4:' menu. Enter type in the 'IPv4 Address:' text box. Click 'OK'.
Click 'Apply' and close Network Preferences.
###Starting the Software
- Start the mosquitto broker. For an install on a Mac using homebrew, type the following in the terminal (without the quotes) '/usr/local/sbin/mosquitto'.
- Open the Processing sketch in Processing.
- Start running the Processing sketch. Check that there were no errors in connecting to the broker in the Processing console.
##Messaging Structure Each dancer (Tara and Phoebe) wears two ESP8266 wifi-enabled microntrollers, one on the shoulder and one on the hip. Each microcontroller is connected to one capacitive sensing chip connected to a fabric-based sensor.
The shoulder microcontroller controls a motor referred to as the tickle motor.
The hip microcontroller controls two vibration motors.
###MQTT Feeds ###Topics /htb/[sensor, actuator]/[tara, phoebe]/[hip, shoulder]/
- /htb/sensor/tara/hip/
- /htb/actuator/phoebe/shoulder/tickle
- /htb/actuator/phoebe/hip/1