Front-end YouTube home page clone developed from scratch using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Featuring videos containing information about Studio Ghibli movies. The application offers a responsive and accessible interface, replicating most of the YouTube home page's logic and styles.
Implemented reusable modal logic used across all modals except the video settings ones. It uses currying and closures to provide reusable toggleModalEvents()
and toggleModalFocus()
Manages essential events and functions for an accessible and responsive modal, including focus trapping, closing the modal with the 'Esc' key, and handling overlay clicks.
function trapFocus(e, element) {
const focusableLms = element.querySelectorAll('a[href]:not([disabled]), button:not([disabled]), textarea:not([disabled]), input[type="text"]:not([disabled]), input[type="radio"]:not([disabled]), input[type="checkbox"]:not([disabled]), select:not([disabled])');
const firstFocusableLm = focusableLms[0];
const lastFocusableLm = focusableLms[focusableLms.length - 1];
const isTabPressed = (e.key === 'Tab');
if (!isTabPressed) {
if (e.shiftKey) /* shift + tab */ {
if (document.activeElement === firstFocusableLm ) {
else /* tab */ {
if (document.activeElement === lastFocusableLm) {
// Event handler function for closing modal on Escape key
const handleModalCloseAtEscapeKey = closeFun => e => {
if (e.key === 'Escape') closeFun();
// Event handler function for closing modal on outside click
const handleModalOutsideClick = (closeFun, matchingClass) => e => {
switch(matchingClass) {
case '.settings-modal':
// Check if click is outside of settings modal and it's not the toggle button
if (! && !'.navigation-bar-right__settings-btn')) closeFun();
case '.navigation-bar':
// Check if click is outside of the navigation bar
if (! closeFun();
// Check if click matches the specified matchingClass
if ( closeFun();
// Event handler function for trapping focus within the modal content
const handleTrapFocus = modalContentLm => e => {
trapFocus(e, modalContentLm);
// Toggle modal events (add or remove event listeners)
export function toggleModalEvents(eventsHandler, action, closeFun, closeModalBtn, modalContentLm, modalContainerLm, matchingClass) {
// Create bound event handler functions
function addEventListeners() {
const escKeyHandler = handleModalCloseAtEscapeKey(closeFun);
const outsideClickHandler = handleModalOutsideClick(closeFun, matchingClass);
const trapFocusHandler = handleTrapFocus(modalContentLm);
// Add event listeners if elements exist
document.body.addEventListener('keydown', escKeyHandler);
modalContentLm?.addEventListener('keydown', trapFocusHandler);
modalContainerLm?.addEventListener('click', outsideClickHandler);
closeModalBtn?.addEventListener('click', closeFun);
// Store handlers on the eventsHandler object to remove them later
eventsHandler.escKeyHandler = escKeyHandler;
modalContentLm && (eventsHandler.trapFocusHandler = trapFocusHandler);
modalContainerLm && (eventsHandler.outsideClickHandler = outsideClickHandler);
closeModalBtn && (eventsHandler.closeFun = closeFun);
function removeEventListeners() {
// Remove event listeners if elements exist
document.body.removeEventListener('keydown', eventsHandler.escKeyHandler);
modalContentLm?.removeEventListener('keydown', eventsHandler.trapFocusHandler);
modalContainerLm?.removeEventListener('click', eventsHandler.outsideClickHandler);
closeModalBtn?.removeEventListener('click', eventsHandler.closeFun);
// Clean up stored handlers
delete eventsHandler.escKeyHandler;
modalContentLm && delete eventsHandler.trapFocusHandler;
modalContainerLm && delete eventsHandler.outsideClickHandler;
closeModalBtn && delete eventsHandler.closeFun;
if (action === 'add') {
else if (action === 'remove') {
Manages modal focus and returns it to the last active element before the modal was opened.
let lastFocusedLmBeforeModalOpened;
export function toggleModalFocus(focusBehaviour, firstFocusableLm) {
if (focusBehaviour === 'addFocus') {
lastFocusedLmBeforeModalOpened = document.activeElement;
else if (focusBehaviour === 'returnFocus') {
Implemented a fully responsive navbar and side menu, incorporating nearly all of the functionality and logic found in YouTube's interface.
The implemented navigation menu is fully responsive across all device sizes. It includes features such as toggling the side menu, opening the search input on smaller devices, and accessing settings and voice search modals.
The application also features ten mock videos about Studio Ghibli movies. Their thumbnails and avatars use progressive image loading, which enhances performance and reduces layout shifts, especially on lower bandwidth connections.
Configure a server using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB to fetch and buffer video content from an actual database.
Optimize and refactor side menu generated HTML for improved performance and readability.
Add search functionality on the server side.
Add loaders.
Implement a dedicated page for video playback and play a preview when the user hovers on the video container.